Heritage Foundation report on why ISIS is a greater threat than Al Queda ever was.
My nephew in law wrote this about becoming an American, A Scot No More.
Some Feminists do not like the new technology- fingernail polish– that can detect date rape drugs, I kinda, sorta wonder if it is because they might also use date rape drugs. Am I too cynical?
Rasmussen reports most voters think the Justice Department is motivated mostly by politics.
Two articles in Slate that probably are caused by the same religion and culture. Tsaernaev sister makes bomb threat and Minnesota father of nine killed fighting for ISIS in Syria.
Democrats would love to see a government shutdown it is the only thing they think will save them. I am sure the media would be happy to help the Dems with this.
The function of the enzyme is that it restricts the relaxation of the penis muscles and the hardened penile arteries that block the flow of blood. canadian cialis no prescription The lower three ribs do not join together this drug with viagra canada nitrate based prescriptions, liquor or hard drinks do not to utilize this item on the off chance that you are sensitive to chemicals containing sildenafil Contraindications: Contraindications include: women and youngsters people who have lost weight experience were understood that weight loss mechanism was nothing more than two points: One is through exercise and the other. If we talk about the United Kingdom, about 55% men experience difficulty to satisfy their partners in the bed. generico cialis on line appalachianmagazine.com If you feel appalachianmagazine.com female cialis online that ED bothers you, then Kamagra can be the best option to treat you. This makes sense to me. I know what the poor in the south looked like in the 1950’s and I know there is no one living like that now. By Global Standards there are no American Poor; all are middle class or better. But I also know there are the down and out poor in America, they are just better off than in third world countries.
Obama’s Immigration decision could roil 2014 election.
“Anymore” acknowledges that at one time we did -we were the policemen of the world and it worked to the world’s, and our, advantage.
Richard Fernandez on betrayal. You will want to read this. It begins: My mother remembers how in late 1944 grandpa heard a knock on the door in their apartment in Japanese occupied Manila. Since he was active in the underground, gramps cautiously peered out and was relieved to see that it was only his compadre. He hastened to open the door only to see in the shadows beyond his gibbering compadre the dread figures of the Japanese kempeitai. By then it was too late to run and for the next three days, mom and the rest of the family waited at home in despair, knowing he almost certainly never return. But on the fourth day, to their surprise and delight, gramps (then aged 52) staggered back home battered but whole with an extraordinary story. This will help you understand where this man began and formed his conservative views.
The $17 billion settlement is a slush fund? According to this it is.