Catch up again – Links and Comments May 21, 2014

Cold Sun—uh oh global cooling.  And in Vail spring is slow, in fact it looks like mid January.

Alan Caruba has had enough, as have I.  Too  much Gay Everything.

via Instapundit Judicial Watch Obtains 106-Page HHS Document Revealing Scope of Obamacare Rollout Disaster.  Much bigger than can be imagined.

If chosen for HUD, Julian Castro’s work, big payday could face scrutiny  The Castro brothers know how to get money.  I’ve been seeing this on Facebook: and this morning it is on Politico a left leaning page.  I hope this means it is over for the bros.

One step down from the Supreme court? Barron likely to be confirmed to appeals court— according to Harry Reid.  

Some Republicans say that the White House might not have disclosed all documents related to Barron’s work, and that his writings suggest a desire to use the court for liberal activism.

“He sees the courts as basically a third political branch,” Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee, said on the Senate floor Tuesday. “That view of the federal judiciary is totally incompatible with the limited role the Constitution assigns to the courts.”

Kerry: If We’re Wrong on Climate Change, ‘What’s the Worst That Can Happen?  He clearly calls the deniers flat earthers but has the audacity to say this.  It is a little like Hillary’s What difference does it make, now?

Feds’ latest land grab: Designate contested N.M. area a national monument  Bundy types of protests feared in New Mexico

Victor Davis Hanson with his usual wisdom, on Benghazi

 Seventh VA office finds secret wait list — with over 200 veterans on it

Gaslighting  see Bill Whittle’s video here

Tweets Won’t Stop Modern Barbarians

 Rush Limbaugh is Now a Best Selling, Award Winning Children’s Book Author

Health Reform: President Obama is right about ObamaCare — “This thing is working.” It’s working just like critics said it would, and nothing like its supporters promised.

Obama to loosen lending standards to boost home ownership. What could go wrong?  Haven’t we seen this movie?

We are your federal government and we are here to help you.  Help you kill your fish, their habitat and maim your environment.  ALL in the name of conservation.




This entry was posted in AGW, bailouts, bank bill, boondoggle, Death Panels, Drones, Fannie Mae, Frannie Mae, Freddie Mac, gay marriage, Health Care, National Security and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.