I read Betsy’s Page on a regular basis. Usually she is linking to the same things I have seen; today she found at least one thing I missed. Remember when Newt Gingrich got in trouble for suggesting children be hired to help keep their schools clean? Well, in some cases the parents are doing the job.
Here is part of what she posted today:
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This little article about how some parents at a regular public school are having to pitch in to help clean up their children’s school since the custodial budget has been cut amused me. At charter schools, such as where I teach, parents have been doing that ever since the schools started. We have lovely, generous parents who come in on a regular basis to help keep our school clean. Their children join them on the weekends when we have clean-up/repair days. When we moved locations this past summer, we had volunteer students and parents who helped pack, paint the new school, and then spent the day carrying boxes and furniture into the new building. Think of the money we save through such volunteer effort and the lessons that students learn about the value of helping out to make their own environment better. Students feel an ownership of the school because they help out. It’s about time that regular schools see the value of such volunteer effort instead of thinking what they do is so anomalous that it deserves newspaper coverage. I also wonder if we could have all this parent and student sweat equity if we had a unionized custodial staff.