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Have you heard about this? “The Blob” in Brazil: TGP Exposes the Million-Dollar US Censorship Industry Attacking Free Speech in Brazil as Half a Million Brazilians Protest for Freedom in São Paulo Also from Instapundit More on the Protests in Brazil

Mysteries Surrounding The 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season. CO2 Definitely Not the Driving Factor

Democrats Now Hate Pollster Nate Silver as His Latest Models Suggest Trump Victory, Claim He is a Paid Republican Operative

‘Honorary Chairwoman’: DOJ Indictment Appears To Link Dem Rep’s Org To Chinese Operatives

Former Farrakhan Organizer Keith Ellison Reportedly On Kamala Short List For U.S. Attorney General

The Doors isn’t from my generation but for this generation this is truly great. ‘Gave Me Chills’: WATCH Jim Morrison and The Doors Scorch Kamala Harris in New Parody Song

 Highlights of the news

Black Swans, Orchestrated Chaos and November 5

Censorship ‘ultimately traceable’ to ex-WH official treated as Biden ‘intermediary’: updated suit

EXCLUSIVE: Trump shooting NEW EVIDENCE shows high likelihood of ‘inside job’

Has White House Realized the Obvious?Axios reports that anonymous White House officials were “shocked” that Hamas executed the hostages and have now hardened their negotiating position even more. ¶ They almost think Hamas doesn’t want a deal.”

Real America’s Voice Ben Bergquam Exposes Massive “Border Wall Graveyard” in New Mexico They have wasted our money while soiling our nation with the rejects from other countries rejects. I feel they emptied their prisons and sent them our way.  Other nations have used crossing the border like a Trojan horse with their troops.  I know, some are legitimately seeking asylum, but doing it an illegal way. Many of those are victims. 26 Illegal Aliens Discovered Locked Inside Abandoned Trailer

Has the Electricity Reality Check Arrived? Probably not.

Harris Campaign Is Paying Trump Judge’s Daughter. Yeah, That’s Happening.  That could be the meaning of the words “if necessary” in the judge’s decision to delay sentencing until after the election. Trump’s sentencing on hold until after November election

August: 635K Foreign-Born Workers Gained Jobs as 1.3 Million Americans Lost Jobs

Oklahoma Added to the List of States with Irregularities in Board of Election Voter Registration Databases Suspected of Fraud

Study: Incredibly Biased 2024 Convention Coverage From Taxpayer-Funded PBS, 72% of Coverage of RNC Was negative, 88% of Coverage of DNC was Positive Many liberals take PBS news as Gospel.

Breaking the Power of the LGBTQ Mafia

Chinese Infiltration of American Higher Education Reaches Texas A&M  “China is stealing national security secrets from American universities, and Texas A&M has left its door open.” One among many.

The Media Lies Add Up

Ballot Drop Box Battles: States, municipalities seek to ban them as November election nears

Hunter Saves Joe ‘Needless Embarrassment’ ‘With a last-minute guilty plea, the younger Biden avoids a trial that would rehash Biden family corruption.”  Taking one for the Big Guy.

Virginia Lt. Gov. Winsome Earle-Sears Makes Her Next Move and It’s Big

Congress needs to end regulation without representation

Welcome Aboard: College Profs Backing Trump

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