Links and Comments

I know this is long, and many of the articles linked are long and thoughtful essays.  Take your time, I’ve certainly taken my time in collecting them. All visitors are gone for a time and maybe I can get this out more often.  Be sure to watch the video Trump ads at the end, one is a little bit of fun, but with a good meaning.

U.S. seizes Venezuelan President Maduro’s official airplane

Tom Cotton Takes Down NBC News Anchor After She Shamelessly Lies Defending Kamala Harris NBC News issues weak correction after anchor falsely claims Harris was at dignified transfer

Deep State #Resistance Stars Another Fake News Operation Against Trump, This Time Filing a Complaint Claiming It’s Illegal for a Former President to Visit Arlington National Ceremony at Fallen Soldiers’ Families’ Request

Belmont Club: Dusk or Dawn?

Reporters Caught Coordinating With Political Hacks

Ohio voting fraudElection integrity issues involving employees of a leftist company [called Black Fork] committed to “Building Long-Term Progressive Power,” have been popping up all over Ohio.”

CPAC Plans to Deploy Camera-Wielding Observers at Arizona Ballot Drop Boxes, Sending Democrats into a Panic

That Time a Property Developer saved the NYC Veterans Day ParadeAs the left tries to smear Trump for attending a memorial service for the abandoned military who perished in Afghanistan let us recall how the former president has been supporting veterans’ causes for decades.”

2024 Platform and Resolutions of the Republican Party of Texas

Texas and Montana Score Major Win Against Biden Regime’s Overreach — Taxpayer-Funded Hospitals Blocked from Conducting Gender Transition Surgeries

Spies and Journalists: A Very Special Relationship – Their talking points come straight out of Langley

RIGHTEOUS – A Very Powerful Removal of PretensePerhaps this becomes the moment when all pretenses are dropped, and Mr Vince Everett Ellison becomes one of those consequential voices.  This is one of the most powerful and compelling videos that drops all pretense.”  Read this and be sure to watch the video.

There is much to read at The Conservative Treehouse, scroll down through the headlines and take a good look.

The same is true for many of the headlines I link originate.  Jonathan Turley explains things well.

Fact-Checking Kamala Harris’ CNN Interview I did not watch this interview and I have not seen any of the videos. I am taking this reporters words for what happened.

Trump lawyers request federal court intervene in hush money case

Jim Jordan Starts Inquiry Into Jack Smith’s Superseding Indictment Of Trump

$2.6 billion man: Alejandro Mayorkas showers DHS with extra vacation; taxpayers pick up tab

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid, of European Social Media Censorship

The Morning Briefing: Revisiting the ‘Kamala Harris as Sacrificial Lamb’ Theory

Abortion, Voting, and Moral Compromises Mike Cernovich on abortion.

Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund fires back in response to Pelosi’s attempts to deflect blame for Jan. 6: ‘I am stunned’  I fail to understand why I am seeing so much about Pelosi saying in a video “I take full responsibility” when we had the same video and headlines a month or so ago.  Did others not see the articles?  I believe I linked at least one of them at that time.

Former analyst decries CIA politicization of intelligence, new levels of activism under Biden It’s nice to have an analyst do a study on this, but we all knew it was happening, and it didn’t start under Biden.

New Complaint Filed Alleging that U.s. Postal Service (USPS) Committed Electoral Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election

Woke Ideology and the Bizarre Tale of a Venezuelan Gang’s Takeover of American Cities

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Resume Secret Illegal Alien Flights into the US Paid for by US Taxpayers – 347,959 Flown Into Texas and Florida So Far

OUTRAGEOUS! Pennsylvania Court Forces Counties to Validate Ballots Despite Missing or Incorrect Dates on Their Outer Return Envelopes

Obama-Appointed Judge Rules Arkansas Election Officials Can’t Reject Online Voter Registration Signed with Electronic Signatures

Highlights of the week Don Surber’s weekly, I planned to send out last night.

Paxton’s vote harvesting investigation in South Texas renews questions over politiqueras

What the Media Neglect to Mention About the Politician Who Murdered a Journalist Have you heard about this?  Of course, he is a Democrat.

Hunter Biden had a long history of connecting with State Department officials about Burisma work

Sniper: “Plain and simple, we were ignored. Our expertise was disregarded.”

GOP Chairman Jordan subpoenas company headed by daughter of Judge in ‘hush money’ case

Who Really Is Barack Obama? A Counterintelligence Inquiry

America: A Nation Committing Suicide

Just How Bad is Legacy Media?

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Removes Over One Million Ineligible Voters From Voter Rolls

Two anti Kamala ads.  Nicole Shanahan Trump Derangement Syndrome TDS Commercial Ask your doctor about INDEPENDENCE  and Kamala’s Values.

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