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Manhattan Judge Refuses To Recuse Himself from Case Despite Concerning Past Political Contributions A different judge: With news about Judge Chutkan’s anti-Trump animus, a 2021 article is going viral will a recusal happen here?  I doubt it.

Read it all here, Brietbarts’s Hottest Stories, or make that Breitbart’s Latest News.

Special Counsel Jack Smith Objects to Trump’s Request for Secure Facility to Discuss Classified Documents

So, what do you think? Is he right? Are we just pawns? Watch this short Tik Tok video, the answer is yes.

Law Professor Exposes the Chilling Objective Behind the Georgia Indictment Against Trump

Part II: Grand Jury Indictment posted in such a rush they left in this secret fact about the jurors! I am sure by now the grand jurors have been researched for previous anti Trump activity.  I am anxious to see it.

DC dealt more harshly with pro-life protesters than Black Lives Matter, federal court rules

Lawyers for Hunter Biden Admit His Sweetheart Deal Was Dictated by the DOJ Itself since this was published DOJ has said not so.  I don’t believe them.

Top Hunter Biden Lawyer Christopher J. Clark Moves To Withdraw From Case After Plea Deal Collapses

Wait, What Did Michigan Just Hand Over to the FBI?It would appear as if the FBI will be taking over a Michigan investigation into 2020 voter fraud in which thousands of fraudulent voter registrations were discovered (via Detroit News/Brunswick News)” the FBI where true fraud evidence goes to die.

Justice Shrugged: The Persecution of Donald Trump

 Report: Engineers Discover Nationwide Cellular Network Connects Election Equipment and Gives Federal Government Access to Election Systems at Precinct Level This was sent to me by one of reader contacts with the question “Is this possible?”  I sent him a long reply, “I don’t know why it would not be possible.  We all know there was so much bad in the feds for so long, this is just as expected. I am so disheartened by what is happening in our country I am almost ready to turn off the internet, the tv is already seldom on, and just hide out reading books for the rest of my life, or in truth, as long as my eyes hold out. The corruption is so deep, so long lived, I wonder if FDR died a natural death.  I don’t really, I remember when it happened. I wonder if Truman, an accidental president, was our last honest president, even though he was from the Pendergast gang in Missouri.  We know J Edgar Hoover was corrupt, I guess it just multiplied from there.  Before the internet we couldn’t find out much on our own. Nothing is a bombshell to me anymore, just business as usual.  what a shame, we had a nice country at one time.” Then I read the article and within it is the answer.the federal government has indeed created a nationwide network that is capable of collecting and changing real-time voting data at polling places across the country from a central location. The private network tool is called FirstNet, and like so many things that have proven detrimental to American liberty – it was sold as a tool to ensure public safety. “ Read the article for more explanation.

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