Prepping for the Worst 2.0 Water, hoard water, it is the essential element of surviving.
James Cameron says AI weaponization danger like ‘nuclear arms race,’ says ‘I Warned You Guys In 1984’ “In a recent interview, the “Terminator” director cited his seminal 1984 film as a harbinger of artificial intelligence’s potential dangers, stating, “I warned you guys in 1984! And you didn’t listen.” How often is Military news getting its articles from Variety?
Air Force engineer stole gov’t tech, risking 17 AF bases, FBI and more, report says This did not come from Variety, it is serious. “A “critical compromise” of communications at 17 U.S. Air Force facilities is being investigated by the Pentagon, after one of its engineers was found stealing Air Force communication technology.” It came from the NYTimes, the paper of record where the big guys go to leak.
Sabotage: Chinese code hidden in US military systems; China can cut off military power, water, communications, report says Take a news at other headlines on this page.
Trump: Mar-a-Lago Tapes ‘Were Not Deleted’
Yesterday: Corrupt DOJ Requests Court to Order Devon Archer’s Surrender for Imprisonment PRIOR to Testimony on Biden Crime Family Today: DOJ Forced to Clarify Letter on Archer’s Jail Time Just Before Meeting With House Oversight
Devon Archer tells Congress Burisma pressured Hunter Biden to deal with Ukrainian prosecutor
‘We Are Totally Awash in Pseudoscience’: Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist on Climate Agenda And Don Surber has this to say. The desperate cry of global boiling
White House changing rules for prosecuting military sexual assault
Smuggling cartels raking in cash despite lower border numbers The border numbers are not that much lower. However, it will sure be sweet if Texas can keep its mid-river barrier. Horowitz: As Biden admin undermines Texas border security, states should fight back
ICE revives policy limiting arrests and deportations
Democrats Reportedly in ‘Panic Mode’ Over Devon Archer’s Testimony I wish they were, the panic would be realizing who the VP is.
2 Non-Woke Companies Offer Job Placement Help for Bud Light’s Laid-Off Employees These are only some of the people who have lost jobs over this fiasco. Conservatives may have made many more enemies than the realize form discharged employees in beverage distributors all across the country.
Hunter Biden Prosecutor Once Demanded Jail Time For Tax Cheat With Similar Charges
Vivek Ramaswamy Aligns with McConnell, DeSantis, Club for Growth and Wall Street Promoting U.S. to Reenter TPP Trade Agreement “This is a non-starter for any America First economic platform. […] This should be a disqualifying position for any consideration in the Trump administration.”
After Giving Nearly $2M to Defund the Police, EBay Billionaire Poised to Cash In on Private Security Investments ““At the same time, Omidyar was privately investing in companies capitalizing on the growing demand for security services. Bond, a New York-based company that bills itself as the Uber for bodyguards, listed Omidyar as one of its main investors. Bond referenced ‘civil unrest’ and rising crime in its 2020 marketing materials.”
Children’s Book Pushes 6-12 Year-Old Kids to Believe Euthanizing People Is OK It is okay to admit some books should never have been written, and seriously need to be burned. Heresy? No, common sense.