The old man is seriously senile. Joe Biden to Indian Prime Minister and Tech Giant CEOs at White House: “I Sold a Lot of State Secrets and a Lot of Very Important Things” ..This Even Made the WH Transcripts! Now in this case he obviously thought he was making a joke, a very not funny joke that is possibly the truth.
Spam Denial of Service Attack Against James O’Keefe? Not surprising with what he revealed about Blackrock.
War on Women: Transes Ban Lesbians From Pride March, Cite ‘Transphobia’ The crazy left seems to have developed its own circular firing squad. Did they learn it from Republicans and conservatives?
The Burisma Case in Ukraine and the Hunter Biden Case in the U.S. Were Forged Using the Same Scheme
NFL player cancels charity golf tournament at Trump National after sponsor pulls out over ‘political battle’ Trump hatred runs deep in the left. And many who give in to them are just wusses.
SUZANNE DOWNING: What ProPublica’s Crusade Against Conservative SCOTUS Justices Is Really About
New Analysis of White House Visitor Logs Reveals Notable Gaps and Missing Names
Did The White House Quietly Admit Biden Was Involved With Hunter’s Business Deals? “We went from being told Biden never spoke with Hunter about his business dealings to Joe Biden is “not in business” with Hunter. There is a world of difference between those two statements,” It is a nit picky point but a valid catch of a change in language.
Norway’s Wealth Tax Is Backfiring. Are Americans Paying Attention? It depends on which Americans you ask.
Intelligence Report Reveals Wuhan Institute ‘Collaborated’ With Chinese Military On Coronavirus Experiments Is there anyone reading this who didn’t see that coming?
World Gone Cuckoo After reading this you might want to watch this video: The Depopulation Bomb