This going to be a long one, a long weekend and several days of gathered news. They are not listed in order by dates, some are older, some are from today.
Trump Critics Need to Stop Complaining about ‘Baggage’ Rajan Ladd picks up on an article by VDH and elaborates on it. “If the “baggage” made them targets, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Joe Biden, and others would have been targeted by the media, probed by agencies, and destroyed. Instead, they are lauded as model politicians and unifying figures.”
Target gave $2 million to LGBTQ education organization urging schools to hide gender transitions from parents, wants gender ideology integrated into math classes This is based on a report from Fox news. “Carlos Saavedra is a vice president of brand marketing at Target and a treasurer at GLSEN. GLSEN focuses on getting districts to adopt policies that will keep parents in the dark on their child’s in-school gender transition, providing sexually explicit books to schools for free, and integrating gender ideology at all levels of curriculum in public schools.”
Welcome to the World of Minority Contracting “Government goals and set-asides for “disadvantaged” firms breed corruption and fraud, deepen racial divisions, and cost taxpayers billions.”
Trump says he’ll END birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants: Vows on ‘day one’ to end ‘birth tourism’ for border crossers if he wins the 2024 race This could be based on intent, someone with a green card, who is earning their way to citizenship should, in my opinion, have their American born children have citizenship at birth. There are many discussions to be had on this subject.
Climate activists were in for a surprise after they tried to hurl orange powder at London’s famed flower show I had a little chuckle at this, I would have acted the same. “at London’s famous annual Chelsea Flower Show, three of them who jumped into a fancy garden display and began hurling orange powder all over it, got sprayed down with a garden hose by one of the locals.”
Why Erdogan’s victory matters for the West I am not really up on the politics of Ukraine, Russia or especially, Turkey.
Unfollow the Science: 300 COVID Articles Pulled, Many Over Lack of Ethical Standards If you are not able to read, try this: Retraction Watch
Pinkerton: In Memoriam: C. Boyden Gray, the Man Who Warned Us About the Administrative State “As Waldo put it, “This faith in science and the efficacy of scientific method thoroughly permeates our literature on public administration. Science has its experts: so we must have ‘experts in government.’” To be sure, there’s nothing wrong with expertise, and yet we must realize that the expertise we most need is common sense. After all, human nature is not science. Come to think of it, “political science” is not science; it’s a tricked-up wannabe suffering always from “science envy.”
Bigoted Dems ignore Tim Scott’s character and instead attack color of his skin According to a member of the View, a bigoted program on daytime TV I’ve never watched, he is not really black, he is a white supremist.
Republicans secure massive gas pipeline approval in debt ceiling deal I am a doubting Thomas as to when this will happen.
Arrest of Chicago ‘Peacekeeper’ police substitute demonstrates the folly of ‘defund the police’” A man wearing the vest of the new “Peacekeeper” corps deployed over the Memorial Day weekend, to stem the mayhem on a holiday weekend that has become an opportunity for murder tallies to soar, was arrested for a violent attack.” Well, it is Chicago, what did they think would happen. The police there don’t have a stellar reputation, either.
California Democrats Try, Fail to Restrict Pregnancy Crisis Centers
Professor fails student for refusing to condemn her Christian faith I know some people who are sorry their children ever went off to college to be brainwashed. This has to be related: The Decline and Fall of the American Empire
Combating The Censorship Industrial Complex “Siegel sees the media as playing a remarkably complicit role in the last seven years. “The American press, he writes, “once the guardian of democracy, was hollowed out to the point that it could be worn like a hand puppet by the U.S security agencies and party operatives.” It’s complicated.
The 1980s Satanic Panic and Transgenderism Today I don’t think this is a valid comparison. The point being made is that all the hoopla of the 1980’s was false, yet at the same time the author is saying the transgenderism is real and a very tragic, so there is really no comparison other than the fact that both seem to be a mental illness of sorts. The way the children of the ‘80’s and 90’shave turned out to be so decadent it makes me wonder if part of that panic was real.
Honest Science on Transgenderism Revoked This seems to fit the theme today.
Migrants Once Excited By End Of Trump-Era Order Now Frustrated With Biden’s Policies
China Abruptly Shuts Down Pentagon Request For High-Level Defense Meeting
Stacked deck: Whistleblowers face long odds of prevailing against FBI’s top brass
Moving to France Showed Me True Cost of ‘Free’ European Health Care, Child Care, and Retirement
PhRMA, Pfizer Funded LGBT Index Scoring Hospitals for Promoting Gender Ideology
If you needed proof that the world, at least our part of it, has gone mad, here it is. PetSmart latest company to face boycotts over ‘Pride’ promotions “The company is taking fire for its 2023 “You Are Loved” collection that features, among other items, rainbow-colored dog bikinis, bandanas and chew toys, cat capes and collars, and even reptile costumes for those who prefer four-legged friends of the cold-blooded variety.”
Don’t forget to check Jonathan Turley, Don Surber and Meaning in History.