Links and Comments

‘The View’s’ Astounding Ignorance of Justice Clarence Thomas I hope you will be able to open this.  It is astonishing that the members of the view do not know about the origins of Tim Scott or Justice Thomas.

Texas Children’s Hospital announces ‘heart-wrenching,’ ‘painful’ plan to end sex-change program for minors — CEO vows to refer patients out of state The CEO is really concerned about the bottom line profits; I find it heart wrenching they were doing this to children in the first place.

John Durham to Testify Before House Judiciary Committee  A year or so late.

The Left Has Pushed the Envelope VDH wraps up a number of concerns, they have indeed pushed the envelope, and beyond.

DeSantis: I Will Be ‘Aggressive at Issuing Pardons’ to Victims of DOJ Weaponization on Day One Is there a Republican running for president who wouldn’t say this?

As Marine Mammal Deaths Continue, 50 Blue State Mayors Call for Offshore Wind Farm Moratorium

Biden Admin Claims The US Doesn’t Give ‘Financial Support’ To Illegal Migrants. There’s Just One Problem I doubt that even he believes this lie.

Congress demands answers why Biden DHS ending border tool key to stopping child exploitation

Mere Words Won’t Deter Corrupt OfficialsImagine if the police caught Ted Bundy and, instead of trying him for his crimes, released a bombshell report detailing his brutality with reams of evidence—but then let him walk free.”  […] “Not a single one of these creeps has apologized.” They haven’t apologized, they have no shame about it, only bragging rights.  If they are ever punished for their crimes against the nation and humanity it will be a huge surprise to conservatives.

‘Socially contagious’ gender dysphoria study retracted from journal after trans activists retaliateThe study explored the hypothesis that the dramatic increase of young people claiming to suffer from gender dysphoria might indicate a “socially contagious syndrome” called “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria,” a term coined in 2018 by Dr. Lisa Littman.” We all know fads come and go, that is especially true in girls. Why is it wrong to acknowledge they are involved in a social fad, a hysteria of the mind that can alter and ruin their lives forever?

The mainstream media will give good coverage to a foreign nation trying to interfere in American elections. Mexican president ramps up anti-Republican rhetoric, urges Hispanics not to give DeSantis ‘any votes

‘The FBI Knows What Car Was Used In J6 DNC Pipe Bomb, But Refuses To Identify Prime Suspect

America’s Dangerous Shortage Of Free ThinkersOur country has become a conformist society where free expression is rewarded with the swing of a truncheon. We’re on a road that leads to repression, and we are not far from the destination.”  Are conservatives free thinkers, or are we just contrarians?

FREEDOM!” – “QAnon Shaman” Jake Chansley Released From Halfway House, Speaks Out On His Freedom and The Power of Forgiveness

OBSESSED: CNN and MSNBC Mention Trump by Name 399 Times in 10 Hours They ae hoping to have him as the nominee again so they can be sure to win another run of the presidency under Democrat/Communists.

Bud Light To Sponsor Pride Parades Despite Ongoing Boycott  The words “slow learner” comes to mind.

Another group of slow learners- Target partners with org pushing for kids’ genders to be secretly changed in schools without parental consent  They’ve apparently severed ties with the Satanic designer and in some Southern store have moved the pride apparel and paraphernalia to an inside position instead of posting blatantly at the front as you enter. But still they persist.

Resignations Pile up in AZ Gov Katie Hobbs’ Administration as Chief of Staff Steps Down Hmm…. So far Kari Lake has lost all her tries at ousting her, so why are the rats leaving the ship?

The Grumpy Economist write about Work requirementsHow could you be so heartless as to force unfortunate people to work, vs. how immoral it is to subsidize indolence, and value of the “culture” of self-sufficiency.”  Warning: economic words ahead, some thinking required.

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