Texas gunman who shot dead five people had elaborate DEATH CULT shrine in his bedroom as well as cartel tattoos – as his ties to criminal underworld are exposed Although this happened in Texas, he was not a “Texas” gunman, he was an illegal who had been deported four times. Some people think Texas has only gunmen.
AOC Goes Rogue, Teaming Up With With MAGA Enemy Matt Gaetz on Stock Bill also Ocasio-Cortez Will Not Challenge Gillibrand For Senate In 2024, Spox Says What is she up to?
Covid Hospital Protocols Destroyed Thousands of American Families, This is the article she wrote previously: What Happened in Hospitals During Covid? It is grim.
How America’s Obsession with DEI Is Sabotaging Our Medical Schools
FBI Whistleblower Form Reveals ‘Criminal Scheme’ Involving Joe Biden, Foreign National, Comer Subpoena Claims It is already being denied, I know who I believe. Merrick Garland Claims Hunter Biden Tax Probe Not Improperly Politicized After IRS Whistleblower Claims Late afternoon news had these details: New Emails Prove Hunter Biden Was Selling Access to His Father
Charging Decision in Hunter Biden Case Reportedly Imminent, Major Concerns Arise Amidst News This concerning the gun and tax evasion issues. Are there really any doubts?
From Sketchy Balloting To Shady Funding, New Montana Laws Say No To Rigged Elections
Judge rules Kim Gardner will go to trial on seven counts of neglect of her duties (Update) A progressive AG would not charge major crimes.
The science says “get ’em while they’re young!”
Watchdog: IRS has Spent $10M on Weapons, Ammunition, and Combat Gear Since 2020 Frightening, why does the IRS need weapons in the first place?
What Orwell actually believed A video with words and pictures showing his history and beliefs. This is one person’s opinion based on Orwell’s writings. He remained a socialist while realizing how socialism has so far always ended with totalitarian despots. Worth watching.