Miranda Devine to Trump: Don’t Make Excuses And Don’t Attack DeSantis, Tell Us What You Will Do Better I wish he didn’t sound so bitter, but he has every right to be bitter. However, his previous record of accomplishments while president are enough to gain my vote should he be the nominee.
EVs Are The Yugo Of The 21st Century Mass hysteria has created the need for electronic vehicles. Most of those who buy them seem to ignore the electricity production used to fuel them.
The next two links are to American Thinker posts, I agree with both of them. The reporting on the Nashville shooting reveals the incoherence of modern gender theory “If the Democrat party didn’t find so-called “transgenderism” politically useful, it wouldn’t be celebrated in America nor aggressively promoted in schools, at libraries, on TV, in movies, and on social media. In other words, a “transgender” man didn’t commit mass murder; a mentally ill woman did.” Did testosterone cause her extreme violence, this inquiring mind wants to know.
If the mentally ill ‘mustn’t own guns,’ what about ‘trans’ people? “The media hide Hale’s MUSS status because, if they didn’t, you just might suspect the shooting could’ve been an anti-Christian hate crime.” Undoubtedly it was, nothing could convince me otherwise.
Study: World Population Close to Peak and Steep Decline — No ‘Population Bomb’ on Horizon “Ehrlich has refused to give up on his theory, popping up in left-wing media as recently as 2022 as an “expert” on environmental issues without any mention of his rough treatment at the hands of objective reality.”
At least 37 dead after fire engulfs Mexican migrant facility following reported disturbance Another horrible happening.
Majority of planned parenthood facilities are located within 5 miles of a college campus, report finds They put their death stores where the customers are.
Insider Exposes Mandatory CDC Guidelines on Trans Ideology in Albuquerque schools in New Mexico This is video from Project Veritas on a very important subject.
Transgenderism Doesn’t Bring the Promised Happiness The only one I know is terribly unhappy and unhealthy.
When a boy has been assigned a female identity by the adults in his life, chaos and confusion inevitably follow There will be many more horror stories to follow this one as those who have been so abused grow up and speak out.
From Althouse: “I think that children are like animals that don’t have any natural predators left and they’re just not afraid of anything….” “”I was in London not long ago and there were these boys breaking the branches off a tree and this woman said, ‘You boys stop doing that,’ and they said, ‘You can’t talk to us,’ and they were right. You know what I mean? What she was doing was bullying, you know, according to the law, and they knew it.” Said David Sedaris, in conversation with Bill Maher.
Jonathan Turley has two posts about the war on conservatives.
What the media doesn’t say about a mass murderer He means the liberal press who celebrated noted transgender male to female persons.
HOT MIC Catches Handler Telling Biden How to Walk and Where to Stand: “Yes… Down the Ramp…Your Mark is Gonna be the Blue One” Not quite as bad as it sounds except for the part where the handler say, “I’ll help you get started.”
O’Keefe Media Group’s Upcoming Exposé Will Confirm Financial Fraud Scheme Previously Uncovered By The Gateway Pundit O’Keefe is not standing around twiddling his thumbs since leaving Project Veritas.