The Woke Movement Is Assassinating MLK All Over Again He couldn’t have been clearer about his vision for a color-blind society. And in the 40 years that followed his death, our country moved in that direction, year by year, heart by heart. But much has changed. The woke mob, critical race theory, and the DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) movement have reopened a once-gaping, raw wound that had almost closed.
Blinken may be slapped with subpoena after refusing GOP request to open books on Afghanistan “It’s extraordinary to have 23 embassy employees dissenting to the policy of the secretary of State and the White House,” Rep. Michael McCaul, a Texas Republican, told “Fox News Sunday” host Shannon Bream. It is stunning to see progressives who believe their power is greater than the House of Representatives, or in some cases the senate.
Was Massive Vote Fraud Confirmed with a Fishtail? It sure looks like it.
Meet the Young Attorney Who May Have Saved Kari Lake’s Election Challenge
The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations We heard this a lot a few years ago. But it is real bigotry. We have replaced character and integrity with personality and charisma.
Ron Johnson: ‘Bank from China’ Voluntarily Provided Biden Family Records While U.S. Banks Won’t
Nagging Unanswered Questions About War in Ukraine When Victor Davis Hanson has questions we are in a pickle.
Where is the 2023 Version of the 56 Signers of The Declaration of Independence? Hiding under their desks?
Why Not America First? Many younger people have been fed the progressive, communistic view of American re imperialism. They have been taught we are bad beyond repair. They have no idea of the real worth of America.
Bill Maher Defends Meritocracy
Joe Biden Swan-Dives off the Deep End With Incoherent, Offensive Speech As a comedy routine he had it down pat, as a president it was a shameful display of non-empathy.
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