Transgenderism, Jazz Jennings and The Fly This poor child was abused into being transgender by his/her mother, ruined for life. She has been used by the media to portray a fiction. This article is a discussion on what happens when we mess with nature, in life as well as fiction. Running Slap Up Against Reality
New Documents Expose Government Censorship Efforts at Facebook and WhatsApp
France: One Million Take to Streets Against Macron’s Push to Raise Retirement Age
When Satire Becomes Reality: Nearly 100 Babylon Bee Pieces Have Become Fulfilled Prophecies which makes me think of this satire video which you may have already seen. Don’t let anyone tell you Biden is respected around the world. You won’t see THIS on SNL: Saudi TV airs comedy skit savaging Biden and Harris
Neil Oliver – The Answer to Who Watches the Guards, Is Not Within The Question I find Oliver hard to listen to, although in this he is speaking slower that usual. You don’t have to watch the video, it is all transcribed in the article. It is well worth listening to or reading the whole thing.
“The new left sees society as a web of overlapping power structures or systems of oppression, constituted by language and norms as much as law and policy….” This is a discussion and quotes from a New York Times article that is behind a paywall. If you subscribe you mind want to read it there.
Andrew Cuomo slams NY, Georgia investigations into Trump as feeding ‘cancer in our body politic’ He can probably relate, but he is right.
Antifa Plants Deadly Traps in Georgia Park “Deadly for small children and pets” Antifa is deadly in all its forms but it is usually more overt.
Hunter Biden Reportedly Fears White House Will Throw Him Under the Bus to Protect Biden Administration It could happen, we have always assumed Biden is not in charge.
Turns out the FBI’s ‘Counterterrorism Investigations’ Into Parents Protesting Indoctrination Went Nowhere How many billions has the Justice Department in its many forms spent on trying to stop conservatives?
Blinken grilled about $4 billion in US funding for Ukrainian pensions at House hearing And every year we hear scare stories about “Republicans are going to end Social Security”, maybe we could put that $4 billion into the non-existent Social Security box.
World Athletics Bans Biological Men From Competing In Women’s Events Maybe those “2nd best” American women can go to these events, because those 1st place trans men aren’t welcome. When will the USA wake up.
President Trump in Waco: “Either the Deep State Destroys America, or We Destroy the Deep State” this goes right along with this: You are Damn Right This is an ‘Us -vs- Them’ Conflict – And There are More of Us Than Them
Trump-Hater Adam Kinzinger Has the Biden Sads After the Taliban Release Photos of Abandoned Military Equipment in Afghanistan Be sure to look at the pictures to see the equipment left behind. An UPDATE shows even more
Heart stopping video: One-year-old dumped alone at river’s edge by human smuggler
15 migrants found ‘suffocating’ in ‘wired shut’ shipping container on a train near Uvalde, Texas; 2 have died This was yesterday, I have not seen an update.
For Five Straight Years, The Pulitzer Prizes Have Rewarded Misinformation
Taxpayer-Funded NPR to Fire 10% of Staff After $30M Budget Gap, Largest Layoff Since 2008 It has been years since I listened to NPR, I suppose it must have some redeeming value, but I don’t think it should be a taxpayer funded entity.
On the difficulties of research with human subjects “The retractions and replication problems affect some sciences way more than others. Physics, chemistry, math, hardly at all. Medicine, psychology, social sciences, quite a bit. ¶ To oversimplify, some disciplines rely heavily on trying to tease small effects out of very noisy data, and the statistical rules of thumb that have been relied on are not sufficient to do that reliably.” I hear a lot about this from my scientist husband.
Meaning in History He always has something interesting to write about.