If you though climate change is a religion, you were right. University of Helsinki gives Greta Thunberg a Doctorate of Theology She is listed as a Swedish opinion-maker and activist.
Bill O’Reilly says the Secret Service is not going to let a sideshow happen.
Washington Post Frets Over the Racism of Birds Since We Have No Other Problems to Address While my liberal child was visiting last week it was mentioned with agreement that the Austin Audubon group had voted to keep the name. Good on the Austin birders.
The Age of Conspiracy “It must be the Other. Both sides are now bristling with extreme explanations.” This is good, be sure to read it. By Richard Fernandez.
We Sometimes forget there is really a war going on. Dramatic moment Russian SU-35 fighter jet intercepts two US B-52 nuclear bombers over Baltic Sea days after downing of American Reaper drone
The Censored Generation “The implicit deal with companies like Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc., is very simple: we will look at your ads if you give us a service for free. The deal did not include censorship.”
Jackson pens solo dissent as Supreme Court vacates abortion ruling I’m including this because it makes me wonder how long until trans treatment for underage children will be at the Supreme Court.
Sunday Shows Spend Nearly An Hour on Trump, Ignore Hunter Biden Scandal
A Gigantic Egg All Over Brad Raffensperger’s Face
Some interesting links from Judicial Watch. The Truth Behind ERIC, the Syndicate Founded by Leftists to Manage Voter Registration Rolls
Fauci Caught Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud About the COVID Vaccine During PBS Special It is hard to believe PBS actually showed this video, Fauci is being castigated.
Court Denies Motion to Dismiss Censorship Case Against Fauci and Other Biden Officials
How Government Lost 15 Million Acres of Public Land in the United States Many people argue the government owns too much land and they don’t even know about these lands. I suspect many are being used by the adjacent landowners.
The Grotesque Motives Behind Transgenderism “Several of the WPATH panel members reportedly have a decades-long involvement in a fetish site called The Eunuch Archive, a forum that holds over 10,000 pornographic stories, surrounding sadomasochistic themes such as child rape, castration, and torture.” I do not understand how any parent could fall for the outlandish medical practiced called for by the transgender coalition.
Most underreported story: Evidence of the Biden family’s $ millions from China now documented with bank records “It comes as no surprise that the propaganda arm of the Democrats called the “mainstream media” has no interest in informing the American people of the gravity of the evidence piling up that Joe Biden has been bought off by the Chinese Communist Party.”
The Press That Called to Censor Trump Cannot Stop Their Compulsion to Broadcast His Words