If you are looking for a noose you will find a noose. This in no way looks like a noose except for the fact it was rope. Officials melt down over ‘hangman’s noose’ found outside medical office, tell of ‘shock, disgust, pain, and anguish’ as hate crime probe launched. But it wasn’t a noose.
Treasury to Provide House Oversight with Suspicious-Activity Reports for Biden Family, Associates This is all well and good, but why haven’t those reports been acted upon instead of being hidden? This is Turley’s take on it: Time’s Up: Treasury Finally Agrees to Turn Over Hunter Biden Transaction Reports
Rice University Study: Trump Policies Cut Illegal Immigration, Biden Policies Encourage Inflow I’m sure it is a nice study, but did we really need a study to tell us this?
Joe Biden Recalls the First Time He Saw a Gay Couple — and the ‘Simple’ Way His Dad Explained Their Love How innane this is. Anyone who believes this lie is just not intelligent.
“BIden suggests it’s “sinful” and “cruel” to ban puberty blockers and sex change surgeries for kids” leading to this headline: Joe Biden Spits on Christianity in His Latest Insane Social Commentary
Virginia School District Scrubs Test Question That Equated Political Stance To Race, Gender “To describe liberals, students were provided several options including “Young, white males;” “Middle aged, urban lesbian;” “College-educated black male professional” and “White, upper-middle class suburban male,” the AP reported. Options for conservatives included, “East Coast, Ivy League educated scientists;” “Southern male migrant laborer;” “Catholic, midwestern middle-aged male” and “West coast, Hispanic teacher.””
Kevin O’Leary Stuns CNN Panel Telling Them “Biden Just Nationalized U.S. Banking System”…
‘They Said They Wanted A Black Person To Do This Job’: DEI Instructor Fired By College For Not Being Woke Enough “Lee claims that her peers expected her to hold certain viewpoints because of her race. When it was revealed that her viewpoints differed from what was expected, she experienced backlash.” She was mixed race and not black enough or progressive enough. This is what they wanted:A self-described communist teacher from Maryland bragged on social media about “indoctrinating” her students with “Marxist literature” and called for a fight against capitalism.
Students call on Stanford to fire dean who ambushed judge at law school event Whoa! I bet this was unexpected.
‘Swinecraft’: Feds funded experiment to teach hogs to play video game I admit it, I am a carnivore. I also believe the basis for the experiments is to get us all onto a vegan diet.
Texas’ unique plan to close the border looks promising
The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection “What follows below is a brilliant analysis of the federal government motive to create a J6 crisis that permitted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to trigger an emergency session and avoid the 2020 election certification challenges.” This is an important point.
“♦ Q1: How do you prevent congress from delaying the certification of state electoral votes? A: It requires a crisis. A crisis that creates an “emergency” …An “emergency” that invokes special house rules.” People, we have really been had.