Politicians and the Problems of Age As an elderly person who has undergone many symptoms of aging, I believe 75 is even a little to old to be in top form. However, as we can see around us many are top form at that age. There are many reasons other than cognitive ability to have a 75 cut off point for politicians. Very few politicians start out at an older age, that is one of the main reasons I am against them, TERM LIMITS. Many have been there for way too long.
[UPDATED] Jan. 6 Videos Show Antifa Infiltrating Trump Supporters, Trumpers Stopping Vandals
Etsy warns sellers of delay in processing payments due to Silicon Valley Bank collapse I know a couple of people who are sellers on Etsy, but this will not affect their lives as it is not their major source of income.
Silicon Valley Bank employees received bonuses hours before government takeover | Feds say there will be NO bailout for SVB despite fears of market meltdown as Biden holds crisis talks and it’s revealed bonuses were paid to staff just HOURS before bank collapsed And that doesn’t even compare to this: Silicon Valley Bank CEO sold $3.5M in shares just two weeks before collapse and he was not alone in this. Twitter Roundup On The SVB Failure There is a list including some big name banks involved in this enough to be scary.
Kevin McCarthy Goes There in Speech, Goes off on Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell for Lying I am pleased and surprised at what all McCarthy has done and said.
Turley: Twitter Files Hearing Was A “Soviet Show Trial,” Democrats Used It To Attack Free Speech And A Free Press He was outraged at their behavior, I hope he wasn’t surprised.
Academia’s latest invention: ‘Petro-masculinity’ As one of the great unwashed, I have to ask, what in the world will they think of next.
Should Trump’s lawyers be punished for advocating their client’s position? And should he be punished for having lawyers?
CNN Surprisingly Skeptical On Charging Trump In Stormy Daniels Hush-money Case An ounce of reason must have attacked their minds.
Cable News Is Riddled With War Profiteers
Democrat Suddenly Supports Fentanyl Crackdown After Blocking $300M for Border Screening
‘As bad as we thought’: James Comer says docs show ‘Biden family was getting money from CCP’ I hope he has actual proof and is not pulling an Adam Schiff on us.
The Democrats Have Lost the Plot From Matt Taibbi: Beyond that, much of the hubbub yesterday involved the many “When did Elon Musk start beating your wife?” questions, and the line about me being a “so-called journalist.”
Stanford President and Law-School Dean Apologize to Judge Duncan I did not link to this story originally. So many instances of conservatives or even just not woke people being shouted down by students have happened it almost wasn’t news. But a dean joined in on the rout making it even more egregious. Many people called for an apology. Judge Duncan has accepted the apology.
Whale Death Confusion Abounds and Some Is Deliberate
America’s Reichstag Moment “Why was the January 6th riot allowed to happen in the first place? ¶ The Nazi party used two events to cement its political power prior to World War II.”
Federal workers owe $1.5B in back taxes after GOP remedies die under Democrat legislative control “For more than a decade, GOP lawmakers have proposed bills to respond to federal workers with outstanding tax bills, who now total 149,000.”