‘TREASON’: Trump calls for select committee members to be prosecuted, all J6 prisoners released I’m not sure the definition is treason, I think it is. I certainly agree with the rest of this headline.
Gigi Sohn Withdraws FCC Nomination ““The FCC must remain above the toxic partisanship that Americans are sick and tired of, and Ms. Sohn has clearly shown she is not the person to do that. For those reasons, I cannot support her nomination to the FCC, and I urge the Biden Administration to put forth a nominee who can bring us together, not drive us apart,” Manchin said in a statement.”
Tucker delivers more narrative-busting footage: Officer Sicknick ‘slain’? Josh Hawley a coward? Not quite! Our local paper, the Corpus Christi Caller Times, owned by USAToday folks, had no mention of the show at all. I checked only the Washington Post and New York Times who also had no mention of the show or its results. I did not find it I the Wall Street Journal, either. I found no link on the now left leaning Drudge Report.
Briefly Noted: Tucker And The J6 Videos Mark Wauck “Briefly noted—not because this isn’t an important development, but just because we can keep it brief by trying to fit it within the big picture.” He links Conservative Tree house, Senator Mitch McConnell Rips Tucker Carlson for Depicting a False Impression of the Horrific Insurrection He Experienced on January 6th and then says this:” Turtle and Bluto Barr were hell bent on getting rid of Trump.”
I don’t know who “Duke” is, but I had a big laugh over this piece he authored this piece. Chuck Schumer Is a Bit Mad at Tucker Carlson Over the J6 Video Release Last Night
Southern Poverty Law Center attorney among 23 arrested for domestic terrorism
More than 100 migrant kids found in abandoned trailer in Mexico “In addition to the children were 212 adults from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Ecuador, the National Migration Institute (INM) said in a statement.”
The Biden Admin Lost 20,000 Migrant Children, and That’s Not the Worst Part “Of the 108,981 Safety and Well-Being Calls conducted since January 2021 for children discharged from ORR care, there are 19,726 sponsors who could not be reached,” reads the letter from Acting Assistant Secretary Jennifer Cannistra of Administration for Children and Families at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. ¶ And they have no plans to look for them.”
Thank You for Asking, Mr. President Some of us see the humility in ex-President Donald Trump, some see only the arrogance.
R.L. Stine Accuses Publisher of Censoring Goosebumps Books without Permission I don’t have this book, but thankful that I do have old books and many others do, too.
McCarthy goes on offense, forcing Senate Democrats into tough votes Many didn’t thin Trump would hold on to what he ran on, and many doubt how well McCarthy will do as speaker. I hope his time is as well spent as Trump’s was.
Treasury Official Set to Testify on Biden Family’s ‘Suspicious’ Wire Transfers Previously Worked for Joe Biden Will we get truth or fiction?