Links and Comments

Today is the anniversary of the death of Rush Limbaugh.  I, like many of you, loved him, loved his show and his straight talk.  I listened to him from before he left Sacramento until his very last broadcast. I have many other links saved post today, but I will start with tribute links to Rush.

First I heard from Bo Snerdly, aka James Golden.  I get his newletters at least twice a day. I wish he had taken over the show, I believe he would have been the closest voice to what Rush had to say.

Remembering Rush Limbaugh: Inspiring and Hilarious Quotes from El Rushbo

Rush Remembered: Longtime Limbaugh Listener Looks Back on Second Anniversary of Talk Radio Titan’s Passing

This is from the Lafayette, Louisiana station we listened to Rush on when he first went national.

Limbaugh’s brother on second anniversary: ‘God spoke through Rush

Now for the news, some of it is from Realville.

FACT CHECK: Did George Soros Endorse Ron DeSantis?

Texas Universities Demand That Job Applicants Pledge Woke Allegiance This headline should say Some, not all universities are doing this.  Some major ones are.

UFO shot down by $400K US missile may have been a $12 hobby balloon: report Confirmation of what a great many seemed to know.

The Offshore Wind Turbine Whale Slaughter Continues?I doubt greens are going to get too excited by this latest whale death, or all the other problems offshore wind appears to be causing. The days when greens chained themselves to trees to stop timber cutting, or set out in boats to stop the despoilers of nature, those days are mostly gone.”

Who’s Behind The Unexplained Explosions In Russia?

The Shameless Abuse of John Fetterman Comes to a Head (from yesterday) Fetterman’s Abusers Pathetically Circle the Wagons After His Latest Health Emergency (today)

Canadian Intelligence Finds Evidence of Chinese Interference in Elections Was maybe a little Soros involved, as well?

Meet Anderson Cooper’s Boss – Big Pharma I think Fox runs as many pharma ads as anyone.  I am appalled at how ailing the network ad business seems to think we are.

‘Say hello to Snow White’: Ex-JP Morgan exec contacted Epstein about Disney princesses Something truly evil happened with the Epstein gang.

Biden admin rejects Ohio’s request for disaster aid after toxic train derailment That district did not add enough money or votes for Biden.

SCOTUS drops case involving Trump-era border policy from case calendar They seemed to agree with the DOJ that it would be moot by the time the case was scheduled.

Rachel Levine emails reveal push to PROFIT on ‘gender clinics’ at Children’s Hospitals (damning thread) I hope you will be able to see this behind the Townhall paywall. “     Email reveals a Dr. who was associated with a children’s hospital discussing with Rachel Levine the “potential revenue” regarding a gender clinic. They’re destroying children for profit. […]     — Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) February 17, 2023

The American longing for a Great Awakening  From Bookworm, Andrea Widburg, who is Jewish. Read it all.  Here is the end paragraph. “I continue to believe that America badly needs a revival. Like the black community, which is a microcosm of so many of our greatest woes, America, too, needs faith, family, and spiritual fatherhood. Indeed, given the number of women overall who are having children without fathers, it appears that non-blacks need real fathers as badly as blacks do. Because Jews are hardwired to worry whenever there’s a rush to religion, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried that the rampant antisemitism moving through the U.S. today might get mixed up with this deeply Christian revival. However, I have faith that America’s rising antisemitism is almost entirely a leftist phenomenon and that the evangelical roots of this revival will not turn ugly.”


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