Ex VP Pence is not happy about a subpoena. Jonathan Turley discusses.
“The United States is going to need a lot of missiles if its fighter jets are to shoot down every stray balloon that sets off a radar warning in American airspace.” Ann Althouse is discussing and quoting a NYTimes article that is behind a paywall. “‘At any given moment, thousands of balloons’ are above the Earth, including many used in the United States by government agencies, military forces, independent researchers and hobbyists....”
State Planning to Move 658 Migrants to Vacant Kmart on Chicago’s Southwest Side I consider this a very good use of empty buildings and I wonder why it is not used more often.
UPDATE: First Missile Fired From F-16 Over Lake Huron Missed – Military Has No Idea Where it Landed Whoops!
State Department Funded Foreign Think Tank Working To Censor Americans
Edward Snowden keeps trying to get people to watch this video. The CIA and disinformation in the Vietnam era.
Boxes of documents in Boston’ latest reveal in Biden classified saga But look! There’s another balloon!
State Department Funded Foreign Think Tank Working To Censor Americans
FBI Agents Misused FISA Data To Surveil ‘Political Party,’ US Congressman, Audit Finds Like many other links of this type, I know this will come as no surprise to regular readers.
Emails, Documents Reveal Tangled Web of Amazon, Pentagon Connections Surrounding Defense Cloud Contract “Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee, is requesting that the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General (DOD OIG) reopen its investigation, claiming that a former DOD official, Sally Donnelly, failed to disclose a potential conflict of interest to the DOD OIG when it was investigating the allegations of ethical misconduct surrounding a contract which involved billions of American taxpayer dollars.”
Hitting the Taiwan Beach “The key thing to keep in mind in any conflict in the Indo-Pacific is that sea denial/access depends as much on ground expeditionary forces covering naval movements as it does on forces afloat. This applies to China as much to the USA.”
U.S. spies partnered with American tech companies to fight Russian cyberattackers in Ukraine
“James O’Keefe Is Veritas – We Don’t Have Time for Games. We Don’t Have Time for Ego Plays” – Steve Bannon Goes to Bat for James O’Keefe The board is playing with fire. They will not last without him.
ChatGPT went to Congress, became a pro-choice, anti-gun liberal; refused to write conservative bills
The Sudden Dominance of the Diversity Industrial Complex ““In the scope and rapidity of institutional embrace,” writes Marti Gurri, a former CIA analyst who studies media and politics, “nothing like it has transpired since the conversion of Constantine.” “ It does seem to encompass all those other industrial complexes that have arisen since Eisenhower gave his quote with became so famous .
Sy Hersh Swings and Misses Big Careless claims that the U.S. blew up the Nord Stream pipelines cover for the real scandals of the Biden The author sums up with this: “There is indeed a scandal that involves Biden and Russian pipelines, but it’s not the one Seymour Hersh wrote about. It’s simply this: a venal and careless old man was so obsessed with undoing his predecessor’s work that he greenlighted a war in Europe with consequences that are likely to impact how Americans live for years to come.”