Oh good grief! This telling gets worse the more information we have. Is it believable? Who knows? Who do we trust? New Info on Chinese Spy Balloon From NORAD Commander Is Jaw-Dropping
Rep. Judy Chu Was Named ‘Honorary Chairwoman’ Of Alleged Chinese Intel Front Group
Disgruntled migrants escape from NYC to Canada using taxpayer-funded bus tickets – report I hope they don’t freeze up there, most are from the tropics.
Joe Biden Lawyers Likely Conducting Cleansing Operation Of Hunter-Related Material When Stumbled On Classified Docs We will never know, will we.
This may be the scariest headline you see this year. NSA wooing thousands of laid-off Big Tech workers for spy agency’s hiring spree
Not couch cushion money: Former members sitting on $54 million “Year-end reports show unspent balances controlled by ex-lawmakers” Another way to get rich in politics.
The Pushback Against Gender Ideology Proves Conservatives Can Win The Culture War
Your Government Wants to Keep You from Seeing Voter Rolls
UN Looking To Push Religious Communities To ‘Fully Comply’ With LGBTQ Agenda
Kamala Harris Is Trying to Define Her Vice Presidency. Even Her Allies Are Tired of Waiting. This is the basis for several articles I ran across, here is one: The Democrat Long Knives Come Out for Kamala Harris; Democrats Tell Their Newsletter The New York Times That They Have to Ditch Harris To Have Any Chance of Winning in 2024
Fauci obliterated by critics for charging up to $100K for speaking engagements: ‘The audacity of this man’ The man knows no shame, his arrogance overrules common sense.
The Same Person Who Slipped Up that Obama Was Spying on Trump Is the Same Person Who Oversaw DoD Unit that Sent $23 Million to Hunter’s Metabiota I was going to write “well, of course” but then I thought about all the people in that administration and it could have been just about anyone doing it.
Biden quietly releases al Qaeda terrorist Majid Khan to Belize after 16 years in CIA custody in Guantanamo Bay as US was focused on Chinese spy balloon: Terrorist who was radicalized by 9/11 says: ‘I promise I’ve changed’ I know this wasn’t the only thing that happened while we watched the balloon. In fact there was also this: Defense Department details $3B of new military aid for Ukraine