Any ‘Journalist’ Relying On A Russia Hoaxer To Attack Barr And Durham Should Be Tuned Out To understand this headline you must read the article.
‘Wouldn’t Do Anything Different’: Dr. Peter McCullough Unbowed After Winning Legal Case
Mark Steyn reveals he had 2 heart attacks and has recovered
The Greatest Media Hoax You’ve Never Heard Of “Hamilton 68, a deep state effort to delegitimize conservative voices, marks a new low for scheming Democrats and their mainstream media accomplices.” By now if you have been paying attention and reading my links. You have heard of it.
#GoogleLeaks: Eye-Opening Thread on Blacklists and Alleged Bias Yes Google does show searched links in the order they want them in. If they don’t want you to see something, you will have to go many pages to see it. I think we have all realized that. I use a different search engine, there are many.
Ron Klain sobs uncontrollably, praises Biden’s parenting, VP at goodbye party Oh, good grief!
Hunter Biden’s Lawyers Suddenly Backtrack on the Laptop, Release ‘Clarification’ Statement But wait there’s more! Hunter Biden’s Lawyers Suddenly Backtrack on the Laptop, Release ‘Clarification’ Statement And even more! Hunter Biden laptop lawsuit risks putting Biden family deals, finances under intense legal scrutiny
House Oversight Committee Investigating Climate Envoy John Kerry Over Secret Negotiations With the CCP Kerry? Why is he even involved in anything?
“She was a woman of deep faith’: Republican councilwoman gunned down outside her New Jersey home in ‘targeted’ attack This is heartbreaking and infuriating.
Suddenly Domestic Terrorism Charges Are a Problem Now That Atlanta Is Using Them Against Antifa
Johnathan Turley – Delawhere? The Justice Department Remains Silent on Curious Omission from Searched Locations
Autopsy analysis of 2 teen boys who died days after 2d Pfizer Covid-19 shot Sharyl Attkisson is so good, I don’t hear much from her but I intend to fix that. I’ll be adding her to my RSS feed reader.