The Republicans in the Swamp are Doing Swampy Things And I do not approve. After Three Failed Attempts to Elect a Speaker, The House of Representatives Adjourns Until Noon Tomorrow
America’s Population Could Use a Boom Failing to address population decline may exact a heavy toll. Many well educated demographers are concerned about this, but on the other hand, liberal CBS seemed to think having failed prognosticator Paul Ehrlich on 60 minutes to discuss over population was the thing to do. Paul Ehrlich Claims Vindication for his Climate Catastrophe Prediction
Ontario College of Psychologists Demands Jordan Peterson Undergo Woke Re-education
Have you taken one of Hillsdale College’s online courses? They are free. Hillsdale College’s The Great Reset Video Series
For Teachers Unions, Parents and Children Come Last
In Brief: Feminism Killed Feminism
Trump’s statement on abortion was wise, effective, and prudent
Liz Cheney Exits Congress 6 Years Later and Millions of Dollars Richer
Twitter Stuff:
Judge Orders Biden Admin to Hand Over Communications With Tech Companies
JUST IN: Another Twitter Files Drop: How Twitter Let the Intelligence Community In
Second Twitter Files Drop of the Day Includes Adam Schiff Seeking Ban of Journalist Paul Sperry