Bombshell Coming? Musk Hints He Will Release Documents on Twitter’s Hunter Biden Laptop SuppressionI sure hope Musk has great security.
The Left’s Two-Front War on Twitter So much twitter news, so little substantial news that is not political.
Louisiana Attorney General: Fauci ‘can’t recall’ details of his COVID-19 response
Assaults on Border Patrol agents rise as border chaos spreads
Capitol Police, FBI uncover new potential deadly risk to female officers from body armor They actually use an actual sex designation, female.
It reads like it should be the Babylon Bee, but it is sadly a real college offering. The Babylon Bee Publishes a Hysterical Spoof of a College English Course Description. Oh, Wait! I hope this is not behind a pay wall, it is well worth reading the insanity of a course offering in a liberal college. (aren’t they all?)
Zelenskyy Asks for Another $55 Billion to Pay for Budget, Infrastructure, Government Expenses and Pensions of Ukraine Have US citizens become the red headed stepchild of its own government?
How the Biden admin quietly converts illegal immigrants into legal ‘parolees’
Was Trump Our Captain Queeg? “And will the NeverTrumpers finally be exposed to have been as contemptible as the NeverQueegers were in The Caine Mutiny?” Only Victor Davis Hanson would think of this.
Two More Child Sex Offenders Arrested in One Day After Crossing Border into Texas
NYT Repelled by New ‘Deeply Conservative’ Congress ‘Bedevil[ing]’ Poor Biden Bring it on!
Supreme Court to hear arguments over Biden immigration priorities
If You Certify Today, The Only Thing You’ll Be Certifying Is Your Corruption” – RAV’s Ben Bergquam to Maricopa Board of Supervisors Watch the video in this article.
Ace Forecaster Bastardi: “Something We Used to See In 1970s”, Warns Of “Spectacular Cold” I hope our electrical grids are ready for this. Too bad his work is behind a paywall.