Letter Reveals Obama Foundation Is Keeping Classified Docs in Abandoned Furniture Warehouse
Politico Magazine: Nina Totenberg’s book proves she’s not much of a journalist I’ve never though she was a journalist, just an arm of the liberals.
Lead Prosecutor for Robert Mueller Rips the Mask Completely off in Insane Display
Project Veritas vows to appeal jury decision awarding damages to Democrat consulting firms
Who’s our real president? Joe Biden — or the staffers who keep walking back his comments? Good question.
They Want The Kids–In The Worst Way Language alert, but it is all true.
Remdesivir Induced Emergence Of Covid Variants
Church Drops Drag Queen After Learning He Was Involved in a Plot to Shoot up a School Not anti-drag queen, just anti-gun.
Teaching Zinn Part-I It is amazing that those who question so much, fail to question slander against their own country.
You are going to love these cartoons, social media memes. The Week in Pictures: Martha’s Vineyard Sequel
Liz Cheney Says She Will Leave GOP if Trump Wins 2024 Nomination Funny, She acts like she already left.
DOJ: 47 in Minnesota’s Somali Community Charged with Stealing $250M in COVID-19 Funds from Child Nutrition Program I believe I’ve linked this before, but I’m not sure it said it was the Somali community.
Despite Biden declaring the pandemic over, Pelosi extends proxy voting Obviously the pandemic was just an excuse for this and many other unlawful happenings.
Harry’s memoir U-TURN: Duke ‘requests 11th-hour rewrite to soften his bombshell £40m autobiography after nation’s outpouring of grief for the Queen’ amid fears the final draft ‘might not go down too well’ in the wake of her death Just in case you needed a little bit of British gossip.