The Raid
So Joe Biden was behind the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago raid all along I’ve read dementia increases nastiness in this type personality
Judge reveals 40 years’ worth of Trump tax docs, medical records seized in raid, halts review by FBI
This is from Neo Neocon, just redundant except I loved the headline. Special master appointed: Horses escape, judge shuts barn door
All the rest:
Judge rules Eric Greitens did not engage in pattern of domestic violence, abuse of children Ruling comes after millions of dollars’ worth of ads aired publicizing ex-wife’s claim, sinking former Missouri governor’s political comeback. This tactic has been used too many times against Republican politicians, and as far as I know it works every time.
Feds Annually Outsource over Half a Million American Jobs to Foreign Visa Workers This has been going on a long time, and getting worse every year. There is a fenced in apartment complex that houses only foreign nationals who work in a nearby plant, in Portland, TX. Is the chain link fence to keep them in or the locals out?
Joe McCarthy Is Back Victor Davis Hanson says: “All that was missing from the rant was Biden waving to the crowd a purported list of names of prominent MAGA threats to our collective soul and screaming, “I have here in my hand a list of 205 members of the MAGA Party!” Unfortunately some younger people probably know nothing about Joe McCarthy.
Our corrupt elites reveal that what Jefferson feared has come to pass
Beneath campaign nastiness, legitimate concerns about Fetterman’s health
The FBI Spiked Tony Bobulinski
VIDEO of Democrats Denying Election Results In 2000, 2004, and 2016
Everyone Around Biden Is an Election Denier, Including Him
Germany Forces Russia to Help in Assisted Suicide
It Looks Like Adam Kinzinger Has Finally Bitten off More Than He Can Chew
Drake University’s Diversity Training Session ‘Traumatized’ Some Students