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Rainbow Family Feud It had to happen, this is just the beginning. Transgender woman rejected by every sorority at U. of Alabama: ‘I’m sad because I wanted to be a part of a sisterhood’

USDA Grants Religious Schools Automatic Title IX Exemptions

Liberal Groups Take Issue with ‘Racist’ School Lunch Milk Some actions are just silly.

Murkowski, Palin Headline Alaska Primaries, Advance To General Election Stage

Multiple child sex trafficking victims found in San Antonio in FBI crackdown85 suspects with child sexual exploitation and human trafficking offenses were arrested across the country”  85? Only 85. America’s shame. Who are the users of these trafficked people?  Why are we not finding and outing more of those people?

Republican Governors Work Overtime to Help Secure Southern Border

Ben Shapiro: Salman Rushdie, Iran and Joe Biden

NY Times prints leaked names contacted by FBI after DOJ urged Mar-a-Lago raid affidavit be kept secret to protect identities A known conduit for DOJ leaks.

Trump Reacts to Liz Cheney’s Defeat I do not condemn him for anything he says against her.

National Academy of Sciences sanctions White House climate aide

Top Biden Adviser’s Consulting Clients Stand To Benefit From New Gov’t Spending

While We’re On The Subject Of Defunding Federal Agencies, Don’t Forget The CDC

Liz Cheney’s neoconservatism is dead You will have to click continue to see the article.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Trump Got’em – Huge Concerns About Peter Strzok Working for the CIA Are Likely at the Heart of Mar-a-Lago RAID No surprise.

The Left Always Considered Trump an Illegitimate President

Hundreds of Mexican National Guard Troops Sent to Tijuana to Counter Cartel Violence

Murky in Alaska Another way to rig elections, not unexpected for Murkowski.

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