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I must admit I did NOT watch the president’s press conference yesterday. I’ve seen a few snippets, but when I saw that Dana Perino and Bill Hemmer were interviewing Psaki on Fox News this morning, I knew it must have been horrible.  Now, it is possible Psaki has been on before and I haven’t seen it because I don’t watch news TV in the morning, but she was very defensive on what questions were not asked. WH Tries to Clean up Biden’s ‘Minor Incursion’ Gaffe but They Only Make It Worse  The cleanup begins below.

Biden says any Russian incursion into Ukraine will be considered an invasion

 CNN’s Dana Bash: ‘Jarring to Hear’ Biden Say 2022 Election Might Not Be Legitimate  but she goes on to explain what she assumes he meant.  Rachel Maddow really went off the rails in support of Biden, Ace tells all in his blog.

Bookworm on Biden, she may very well be correct.  He has always been the same mean spirited person. Biden’s press conference: He has drowned himself in the Kool-Aid

Elle Reynolds writes of a Scandal for Every Month at the Federalist.

Tucker Carlson on vaccinations and natural immunity.

Researcher Calls Out Censorship After Journal Pulls COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Events Analysis This was listed as a premium feature but had a share button so I’m hoping you can read it.

Victor Davis Hanson asks: Is America Heading for a Systems Collapse?  A very scary question.

The Progressive Case Against Abortion | Opinion This view from liberals does not get much publicity.

10 reasons why President Biden is a fool who’s fooling himself

FBI searches home, offices of Rep. Henry Cuellar

Harris: Lemme get back to you on legitimacy of 2022 elections

Horowitz: The danger of the momentum behind N95 respirators  “Were the cloth masks just for psychological training purposes to get us to the main course of obsequious servitude to the gods of Fauci?”   That may have been the plan but many American still have a very independent spirit.

BREAKING: Corrupt Fulton County DA Ignores Election Fraud, Instead Calls for Grand Jury to Investigate President Trump  I read this and wonder, will the truth ever really be known; will justice ever prevail?

#BoycottStarbucks Trends after Corporation Dumps Vaccine Mandate for Employees I will be interested to see how this plays out.

Jonathan Turley discusses: Supreme Court Rejects Trump’s Effort to Block Access of Congress to Records

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