How to tell when media tip the scales against conservatives In this case it was tipped against Republicans in general.
Judge Gives FDA Just Over 8 Months to Produce Pfizer’s Safety Data
A Flashback on Challenging the Legitimacy of a President
“Preserve the Narrative”: The Public Rejects the “Insurrection” Claim in New Polling Pelosi gave the game away when she used the phrase “Preserve the Narrative.” Narrative is a story, facts do not support her narrative. For what its worth: Nancy Pelosi is Again Confronted on Not Giving Americans ‘Full Story’ of Jan. 6 The narrative/facts they don’t want you to see: 8 Times Left-Wing Protesters Broke Into Government Buildings And Assaulted Democracy
Harris was inside DNC headquarters on Jan. 6 when pipe bomb was found outside They are claiming this has been a priority, I guess it has just been a well kept secret it was a priority as they looked to incarcerate as many conservatives as they could.
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Ann Althouse’s take on the Jan6th propaganda of yesterday. Be sure to read the comments.
SCOTUS Justices Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan, and Sonia Sotomayor displayed their ignorance on COVID stats when hearing arguments against Biden’s vaccine mandate. What we have are people appointed for their opinions and not their expertise.
American Gulag and Stasi, Inc Sgt. Mom spent a lot of time in our military and she is not amused at the current situation in DC.
Newsmax Documentary ‘Day of Outrage’ Exposes Abuse of Jan. 6 Political Prisoners And Media Lies Surrounding ‘Insurrection,’ Airs Sunday At 8pm –From Gateway Pundit (no link): Newsmax Documentary ‘Day of Outrage’ Exposes Abuse of Jan. 6 Political Prisoners And Media Lies Surrounding ‘Insurrection,’ Airs Sunday At 8pm “The new documentary exposes the mistreatment of the January 6th detainees and debunks lies surrounding the January 6 riot with careful examination of the events that led up to that fateful day, award-winning director and producer of “Day of Outrage” Jack Thomas Smith told The Gateway Pundit”