AG Garland: DOJ has ‘no higher priority’ than charging, prosecuting Jan. 6 rioters I have no doubt about this. His priorities are seriously skewed. This is why this is happening: Poll: Nearly 50% Of Americans Think The FBI Is Biden’s ‘Personal Gestapo’…
This is a transcript of the Joe Rogan Peter McCullough interview. I find it so much easier to read than to listen. This is the link to the video if you want to watch it.
Could the Maxwell Conviction Be Thrown Out Over Juror Misconduct?
Kazahstan In Chaos, Government Buildings Burnt, Government Collapses…
Study uncovers antisemitic behavior among university diversity, equity and inclusion staff
Jan.6, A Legacy of Troubling Questions. Very troubling indeed.
There is no doubt Garland has weaponized the DOJ, he says Jan 6th is his highest priority. I am sorry he is Attorney General, we can be eternally grateful he is not a member of the Supreme Court.
Professor Gets Mad After People Notice Rather Significant Error About Rittenhouse in Her Book She, her editor and publisher should be embarrassed. It is sad when a professor is no better educated than shown in this small excerpt from her book.
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Seattle police improperly faked Proud Boys radio talk during 2020 protests, watchdog group finds whatever their reasoning they lied and caused more violence.
Our First Lady Jill Biden now has her own fanfare for entrance music. Unreal. And strange music, at that.
D.C. officials seek help in nabbing person who placed pipe bombs on eve of Capitol riot Finally they are looking? Could it have to do with the many conservative sites that mentioned why had they not been looking for the perpetrator? The article mentions over 700 arrested or investigated over the riot, that is the focus, find conservatives, arrest them. Pipe bombs, antifa, blm, no problem.
Federal authorities won’t say why armed Capitol rioters disappeared from FBI’s most wanted list
There Was No Insurrection But There Was A Coup “While Donald Trump does not lie in a bloody toga on the floor of the Senate, America witnessed a coup d’état equally as vicious.”[…]” Joseph Stalin said, “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.” That’s exactly how we went from being a constitutional republic to a banana republic, but rather than the United Fruit Company or the CIA running the coup, it was Mark Zuckerberg, Democrats, the FBI, and the media.”
Who Are the Real Insurrectionists? VDH explains.