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The more fraud sees the light of day, the better the next election will be.  Or, perhaps they will learn to cheat more efficiently. Georgia opens probe into drop box ballots, chain of custody in large Democrat county.  From yesterday, The Arizona Audit Findings the Media Doesn’t Want You to See

This is a must read, be sure to read the comments, too. Milley Details Nancy Pelosi’s Attempt to Take Over the Chain-of-Command  He slung Pelosi under the bus in a big way. This puts a completely different slant on what was happening. General Mark Milley Admits Trump Was Being Managed By Administrative State Group Who Run Government, Mike Pompeo and Mark Meadows Assisted I am just not sure how to take this headline as fact.

Judicial Watch Sues for Records on Biden Administration’s COVID-19 Community Corps Program  Had you heard about this community corp program?  I like to think I keep up with politics, but I don’t remember hearing anything about this program.

DeSantis Directs His Secretary Of State To Investigate Facebook For ‘Alleged Election Interference’ One of the reasons I like DeSantis more every day.

 Waters’ decades of housing work hangs in the balance in reconciliation cliffhanger The California Democrat said she’s always been interested in housing, calling herself a “real looky-loo” when it comes to real estate. Waters attributes the early interest to frequent moves throughout her childhood to accommodate a growing family − she’s the fifth of 13 children. Judging by the house/mansion she lives in I would think her “looky loo” had been satisfied.

Gen. McKenzie testimony contradicts Biden’s claim no one recommended keeping 2,500 troops in Afghanistan This General is not going to die on his sword for a lying Commander in Chief.

Many of the products available are, however, of generic viagra from india such a low cost. This medicine is considered to be delightful when compared to the tablets because it is sold in the market to boost semen load and sperm count naturally without any fear of side effects. generic tadalafil uk The patent of the medicine owned by Pfizer, an US based company protected to produce the medicine till the generic viagra purchase day. And, with our federal often staying therefore wide open to huge corporations’ needs, we genuinely believe they will be heading to do well. levitra 5mg (Vardenafil) is the latest treatment available, levitra several advantages over its competition. Poll: Majority Say Left Using Coronavirus Pandemic as ‘Trojan Horse for Permanent Socialism’

Chicago installs hundreds of medical kits across city for shooting victims. This can help the victims, but it doesn’t address the question of why so many victims.

The Marine Who Called for Afghanistan Accountability Has Been Thrown in Prison If I thought Biden was a duly elected president I would be ashamed of my country.  As it is, I am ashamed only for those who think this is a correct thing to do.

WOW: Biden DHS Secretary Opposes Wall Because It’s A “Proud Tradition” For People To Cross Border Illegally For Asylum   Having witnessed a great group of foreigner received the citizenship, and watched their pride, and their families delight, I am saddened to think of those who sneak, or boldy walk across our borders.  They will never know the real pride of earning and attaining the right be a citizen of the United States. I cannot believe illegals have a proud tradition of being illegal.  If that is so why do they try to hide it?

When pressed to explain what she means by ‘the occupation of Palestine,’ AOC admits that she doesn’t know much No doubt not many saw this video, it was on PBS.

Have you heard about the coming shortages due to the container ships waiting to be offloaded?  Here is a map of global marine traffic.

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