The most demonstrable political scandal still ignored A very good Branco cartoon here to start it off.
January 6th Committee Sends Fishing Subpoenas to Trump Administration Officials Looking for Information to Create 2022 Democrat Campaign Narrative The diabolical dems always have a shady plan at work.
Thousands of Haiti migrants flee Del Rio, try to reach border again: report
A Winning Week for Governor Ron DeSantis Ends on a High Note Gov. DeSantis is much like Trump, push him, and he pushes back twice as hard. I like that.
Arizona audit flags thousands of suspect ballots, kicking issue to state’s attorney general For those who think cheating wasn’t shown in the audit, read all the reports, there is a lot of meat and potatoes in this stew, enough votes to have changed the state to Trump. I hate to link Gateway Post because it is sometimes hard to get to the article, but this one needs to be seen. REASONS TO DECERTIFY AZ – THE LIST: 70,000 Duplicated, Fraudulent, Illegal or Ghost Ballots (7 Times Biden’s Margin of Victory), Devices Missing, Data Deleted, Criminal Acts Referred to Authorities While these reasons are valid, there is no way in our constitution to undo the Biden presidency.
A Female U.S. Soldier Has Been Assaulted by Afghan Refugees in New Mexico Why was this allowed to happen. Did they not realize how many of the Afghan treat women?
Mexico is doing what it can to stop the crisis at the border. Del Rio live updates: Mexico continues crackdown, Haitian migrants set up camp in Acuña More here.
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UNC Wilmington Board of Trustees member resigns, citing treatment of conservatives
Russell Brand discovers Russiagate and Sundance says Wait Until He gets to the Vaccine. This is a 15 minute video, but I recommend watching and listening to the whole thing. Much of it is reading from Glen Greenwald’s reporting.
Hillary Clinton Heckled At Queens University While Accepting Ridiculous Award Making Her A Chancellor There… All you have to do is see the ridiculous train trailing behind her to make you think it was okay to do this.
Those People Will Pay”: Did Biden Just Prejudice the Border Investigation?
Making the abnormal normal destroys society My how things have changed.
There are still thousands trying to flee Afghanistan, including American citizens.
The one topic Snopes hasn’t bothered to cover – Did the border patrol use whips? No article, just my own research to check their veracity.