Two far-left activists convicted of interfering with track control systems in Washington When you think of the lives that could have been lost or harmed forever, you wonder which is more evil. Two Florida boys, ages 13 and 14, arrested after allegedly plotting Columbine-style shooting attack; amassed guns, ammunition, and knives, both are evil.
FDA Leaders, Other Scientists Say Most People Don’t Need Vaccine Boosters
Natural Immunity Longer Lasting Than Protection From COVID-19 Vaccines: Dr. Robert Malone enough about this! But so much more I could share.
Fears That Trump Might Launch a Strike Prompted General to Reassure China, Book Says Treason? This article is behind a paywall. If I find a column discussing it in length I will link to it as well. It is from Woodward’s book so you never really know how truthful it is. Neocon is on it, Irony of ironies: General Milley did to Trump what he should have done to Biden. It may be true, Biden is not capable but he is still president and if incompetent, removed. Sundance weighs in as well. CNN and WaPo Write Devastating Articles Outlining General Mark Milley as Leader of Military Coup Against President Trump And Richard Grenell says essentially, consider the source, the publicity seeking Woodward. Grenell Calls Report About Milley Helping the Chinese ‘Gossip and Innuendo’
Blinken’s contentious hearing in House is lead-up to grilling before Senate I hope the senate is planning to grill him on why Trump’s Afghanistan plan was thrown out. They are busy saying it is his plan they followed. It is not.
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I will never trust another doctor I refuse to paint all physicians with the broad brush of Fauci politics. I have some good doctors. Some have strong beliefs that do not match mine, but I consider that their privilege as I consider my belief my privilege. I have had nothing happen to think I would not get the best available care. I trust my doctors, I don’t know if I trust some doctors, names unknown if they were not on social media.
Molly Hemingway on courage and defiance.
Our Most Reliable Pandemic Number Is Losing Meaning and there is good reason for that. People may be getting smart.
I find paleontology very interesting, so here is a link to what I find interesting.