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The Patriot Post Mid-day Digest. Take a look at all they offer.
Registered Democrat Caught Storming US Capitol, Attacking Police Pleads with Court for Light Sentence Because He Is Not Trump Supporter This will probably work for him. Democrats don’t riot, they protest.
This is still happening. Conflicting stories about the standoff at Mazar-e-Sharif airport
Chicago: 58 shot during bloody holiday weekend, including 8 children; 4-year-old boy killed by stray bullets Yet it is us, the redneck Texans who are the evil gun carriers.
CDC Releases the Death Rate of Children Hospitalized for COVID-19
Scott Johnson at Powerline blog doesn’t like Peggy Noonan either. She has lost her credibility. High Noonan.
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Report: All Hell Is About To Break Loose In Georgia It could happen.
American Education Is Rotten from Top to Bottom And se insists she be called Dr. Jill, or Dr. Biden.
Democrats bet the future of their party on his assurances…and now he tells them they’ve blown it
Biden Loses 4,890 Migrant Children, And The Left Yawns Many are lost to sex trafficking, just like the Afghani men who brought in their “child brides.”
When Military Leaders Can’t Recognize Our Own Troops, It Might Be a Problem and a 3 star general at that. In her defense, some people think all camo and guns are alike. (that would be me) But a woman who gets to that rank in the military should know the difference.
This will probably be the last post for several days. I’ve got to get packing!