Thousands of pediatricians sue Biden over transgender policy
More Kirby: We made the abandoned military equipment unusable before leaving Af this may be true for those at the airport, which he makes sure to say.
CA High School Teacher Admits Communist Indoctrination of Students: ‘Turn Them into Revolutionaries Thanks to Project Veritas for this truth.
Judge orders hospital to give Ivermectin to COVID patient; Rand Paul says ‘hatred for Trump’ blocking research Unfortunately at the late stage this patient is in, ivermectin will probably fail, it should have been used as soon as the diagnosis is made. That is true of the other disputed remedies as well. Very sad when politics has taken over the medical industry.
Biden’s Withdrawal Leads to Door-to-door Executions and much worse to come.
Gen. Flynn implies ‘woke’ Chase Bank canceled his credit cards over ‘reputational risk’ They did, but today they issued an apology after he posted it on Telegram.
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Pfizer Board Member Warns Policymakers: “Natural Immunity” Needs to Be Included In COVID Mandate Plans A voice of sanity, but will he be listened to?
Could Biden embarrass himself even more? Claiming a victory? They think we are idiots and bubble heads.
Newsbusters has the stories of the networks ABC, NBC and CBS, as they are bewildered that their beloved administration would leave anyone behind and be so blasé’ about doing so. They also have other stories you may be interested in, just click on that first link for all.
White House defends COVID booster plan amid staff upheaval, CDC skepticism Enough is enough, time to lay the covid cudgel down.
If you are looking for Kamala you might want to check under the bus. It is my opinion she is the only reason Biden is still President.
It will be interesting to see how this works in China, here I think getting the parents to try it might be the hardest part. Would this work in America? Will it really work in China. China Limits Online Videogames to Three Hours a Week for Young People