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Have the Drone Wars Already Started? New Details Emerge Of “Highly Modified Drone” Snooping On Critical Infrastructure

The Democrats used their plague wisely. Never Let a Plague Go to Waste by VDH

Was Whuhan Flu Not the first biologically changed epidemic?

As illegal migration explodes, concerns grow U.S. tax dollars may be aiding trafficking It is a little outdated to say “Well, Duh” but it seems appropriate to these headlines. Many of us have been lamenting the money the cartels are making on this, and it is mostly money from USA.

Many are chastising AOC for the “squalor” she claimed her grandmother was living under.  I see these pictures and think, “nice house, I’ve seen a lot worse here in Rockport.” I do see their points in asking why in the world she hasn’t helped her.  In later tweets apparently, she admits Grandmother is well cared for.

Liberal City Defunds the Police, Department Releases a List of Crimes Cops Will No Longer Respond To

Bone Health Hyperhomocysteinemia cheapest cialis increases the risk of bone fractures in the old age. The Lysine, when combined with the Arginine has been found to help increase its effectiveness and is reported to help increase the immune levitra on line system. Most of the men companied about cold reaction in the bed that do not allow them to go ahead in their love-life. side effects viagra have a peek at these guys Testosterone is vital to maintain viagra no prescription normal libido in men. Is our President coming to, taking control? Biden Comes Out Against Establishing Presidential Commission To Investigate Jan. 6 Could this be why? Biden’s big FDR-style agenda is already sputtering to a halt

This article   Behind The SARS-CoV-2 Origination Backstory All Roads Lead to Stop Trump led to this article being written Is Fauci a fall guy? This last one is a succinct summation of the first.  Like yesterday, you can read both if you have time, or just the facts in the second.

And this is the result, “Today’s Democratic Party, aligned with certain associated power elites, is actively fighting a second American Revolution dedicated to overturning our original one, with the objective of imposing a Marxism-style political order upon our country.”

Bill Gates, Warren Buffett to Launch ‘Game-Changing’ Nuclear Power Plant in Wyoming  A good thing for the world, but not for coal miners, although they claim none will be damaged by this.  This power is the future.

One of the Lancet letter signers is saying he now knows they need to investigate covid 19 origins.  Sounds like he is still going along with the crowd to me.

High-Ranking Chinese Defector Has ‘Direct Knowledge’ of Several Chinese Special Weapons Programs

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