Maybe sometime in a distant future we will know who killed Seth Rich.
He’s right, I sure didn’t see that coming. Take that USA. IOC Forbids Taking A Knee During Olympics…
Biden And Kerry Get Humiliated On Earth Day, But Are Too Dumb To Realize It This is linked in the article: Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions
This was from Friday: Arizona Judge Recuses Himself From Election Audit Case To Be Settled in the Morning
Arizona Election Workers are Running Ultra-Violet Ballot Testing on Maricopa Ballots. And now there is this: New Judge Assigned to Democrats’ Maricopa County Case – Parties Have 10 Days to File Motions – Audit Continues! Now a hearing has been set for tomorrow, April 27th. The judge hearing the case was appointed by Janet Napolitano.
Florida and Texas Gain House Seats as People Flee New York and California I hope we can replace the Democratic one who says, “modern science obviously recognizes there are many more than two biological sexes”
Supreme Court ruling upends Oklahoma prosecutions of American Indians Chaos ensued.
The doctors in every case help the people fight off against some of the buy cheap cialis linked here sexual disorders or low desire it may result in decreasing intimacy. He said evidence suggests that patients feel and do better if the buying viagra in usa hospital offers pleasant distractions, such as soothing artwork on the walls. This is sometimes expressed as “vision,” but more prosaically it just means that all players understand there is a common cheap viagra pill goal to which everyone is accountable and that policies, practices, and resources are aligned with the goal. However, men feel extremely uncomfortable to find for source viagra on line discuss such intimate and intricate issues with their doctors (especially family doctors).
Iran’s foreign minister says John Kerry told him about Israeli covert operations in Syria
Fifty-two passengers on one flight from Delhi to Hong Kong test positive for coronavirus after landing – despite ALL presenting a negative test while boarding I suspect some false positives, and maybe some false negatives.
The New Antiracism Is the Old Racism Its Victor Davis Hanson “Until just a few years ago, racial differences, according to polls, were more or less receding. Intermarriage between racial groups is at historic highs.”
Biden’s Approval Fails to Beat Margin of Error in ABC Poll, Network Floored Apparently they thought the fact that they put him office because they felt so strongly about their issues would make everyone else bow down as well.
Raking It In: Kamala Harris Children’s Book Distributed To Illegal Alien Children Detained By Biden Admin and the progressives are outraged that Justice Barrett has a book deal.
Portland Mayor Begs Public to Help ‘Unmask’ Violent Rioters It took almost a year for Ted Wheeler to notice the violent rioters “want to intimidate” and “want to assault.”