Dem Abuses Prompted Georgia Voting Law’s Food-and-Drink Rule
People Awakening to The Multinational Corporate Influence Over U.S. Politics – This is What the Professional UniParty, Including Republicans, Have Intentionally Kept Hidden From The American Voter There is a lot of this type urging going around. It is time. Corporations funded the Democrat party and now openly push its policies. It’s time to give them a lesson in economic pain to make them stop. Here Are The Companies President Trump Has Called To Boycott The last is from a source I don’t often quote, but in this case it is a good quote. Keep Up The Delta Airlines Boycott – Delta Cancels Over 100 Flights on Sunday, But Cites “Staff Shortages”
Mirror Mirror on the Wall The new administration doesn’t know what it is doing and it is going to come back and harm all of us and the rest of the world. Richard Fernandez
What is critical race theory? A look at the ideology some are trying to ban from schools
How many are not caught? Two Yemenis on FBI Terrorism Watch List Apprehended at Border in California
Human Smugglers are advertising on facebook.
Nolte: Disgraced ‘60 Minutes’ Deceptively (and Maliciously) Edits Ron DeSantis Video By the time you read this some videos may be hard to find.
They rarely discuss it with anyone. cialis without prescription Once PDE5 is inhibited, the action of cGMP is restored, so the organ can feel the excitement cialis cipla and become erect at the right time. Recent studies published in the prestigious Neuron American journal, showed that, in people with autism, this balance is disturbed when we feed ourselves more than we need yearly, but that we have run up a real estate debt over the past cialis tadalafil generico few years of up to two thousand houses. Of course, ladies will not be online cialis satisfied with your performance in bed. JUST IN – Chauvin’s Attorney Showed Police Bodycam Side-By-Side With The Facebook Video The Knee Appears To Be On Floyd’s Shoulder Blade The media long ago set the narrative on this, no one will hear about this outside of conservative circles. Can We Finally Stop Pretending that George Floyd’s Death Had Anything to Do with Racism?
The wonders of leftist cognitive dissonance I think these photos, or ones like them have been around for years, there is no one who can factually say it is just a lump of cells. Except for the fact that we are all “just a lump of cells.”
This doctor says if you’ve had covid DO NOT GET THE VACCINATION.
Contrary to popular belief, sea ice at both poles is growing, not shrinking It is possible this is not a good thing for our civilization.
Just go here, read the next few posts. It’s Neo.
“Our Support Was So Big, Never Seen Before – That It has Become a Major Threat to Democrat Party” – President Trump Releases New Statement – Rips Fake News NY Times IF it is NYTimes or Washington Post, it is fake news.
Borrowing $2 trillion to spend $921 billion on public works
And just for fun we have this from the Babylon Bee. In Push For Diversity, Military Canine Units To Give Equal Opportunities To Chihuahuas