I am appalled at the arrogance of the elite. Peak Snobbery at NPR: We’re ‘Very Good at Educating the Overeducated’ I could say mind boggled or flabbergasted but I guess that would be very uneducated.
French Researchers plan Nicotine patches for corona virus patients. My theory on this says it isn’t the nicotine it is the virus cannot make it through the tar coating the lungs.
Instead Of ‘Flattening The Curve,’ We Flattened Hospitals, Doctors, And The U.S. Health Care System
Wuhan laboratory scientists ‘did absolutely crazy things’ to alter coronavirus and enabled it to infect humans, Russian microbiologist claims I don’t have the expertise to know if this is true or not but there are some strange things happening.
Fauci’s NIAID Funded Wuhan Lab Scientists to Research Bat Corona Virus
Testing: Proves We’ve Been Had! Amid signs the virus came earlier, Americans ask: Did I already have it?
I’ve sent many links over this past month on the speculation of how long this virus has been around. More and more we are finding it has been here for quite a while before it was recognized as being here. AntibodyHydroxychloroquine Derangement Syndrome It is rampant today.
The mother of Biden’s accuser, Tara Reade, called the Larry King show to ask what to do. You probably will never see this on CNN. Joe Biden: Unfit to Serve by Any and Every Measure
The data is in — stop the panic and end the total isolation
Alleviation before cure With a vaccine a longer way off, scientists are racing to develop effective pharmaceutical treatments for Covid-19.