Revealed: How The CBO Saved ObamaCare With Bogus Forecasts
Something about this Obama library agreement seems a little suspicious.
Treason is as treason does. Or is this sedition? Whatever you call it this should be done. Investigate McCabe’s 25th Amendment Tale
Why Leftists Love Stickin’ It to Christianity One of the saddest things of today’s politics.
Crowder Beats Anybody in the Legacy Media — Change My Mind
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Where Did AOC Get Her Sweet Potatoes? I haven’t seen the video he references, but I like the truth he tells from it.
The Democratic children are on the loose. So says Richard Fernandez, in another of his great essays, this one on BBC documentary on the collapse of civilizations.
United Methodists keep bans on LGBTQ clergy, gay weddings; denomination split feared A majority help firm to Christian beliefs. Wanting to change a church’s core beliefs because yours have changed reminds me of when the City of Lafayette, LA decided to raise the speed limit to 45 on a neighborhood street. They said it was because cars are better now, forgetting the fact that bodies are made of the same flesh and blood they’ve always been made of.
Plan B for rebel Republicans: Wound Trump so he’ll lose to a Democrat in general election Thy don’t seem to care about whether we have a nuclear war of not. Meaning Trump is in N Korea in some very crucial talks and they are making him look as weak as possible.