Texas Republicans propose using state’s rainy-day fund to build border wall
Decepticon McConnell Caucus Presents Donald Trump the Take-It or Leave-It Border Compromise Deal…. Why I don’t blame Trump.
Criminality in the Justice department, found by Judicial Watch, will it matter?
First female Viper Demo commander removed after just two weeks for ‘loss of confidence’ in her ability to lead: Air Force This is sad. Were they pushed to assign a job to a woman who wasn’t prepared or qualified? I hate to think how she is feeling now. But when it comes to armed forces feelings are not the most important part of a job.
9th Circuit rules that Trump can waive environmental constraints to build wall
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Here’s a shocker! Not really but Twitter is biased against conservatives 21/1.
A Trans Gender hero breaks ranks and returns to being a male.
Mexico does have its own wall and not just on its Southern border.
Still trying to spin the Russian Collusion that didn’t exist. Sure, they say, we couldn’t find it, doesn’t mean it wasn’t there. That is not verbatim what I heard on MSNBC, but it is close.