Once they see this hypocrisy will they have the nerve to look beyond and see the rest of the hypocrisy of the liberals? Is their identity too tied up with the liberal left? Debra Messing Joins Alyssa Milano, Condemns Anti-Semitic Women’s March Leaders
Remember? This is the story of the man who found those ballots that put LBJ into office.
Good news, someone in a position of power recognizes what is going on with these women. Women’s March Loses Human Rights Award Due To Rampant Anti-Semitism It’s probably only because it is not an American group who is violently anti-Trump the leaders can see beyond their hate to the anti-Semitism.
Election Fraud or strange coincidence? Election fraud in my opinion.
This woman is going to be a thorn in the side of the old guard democrats like Pelosi. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Joins Climate Protest in Pelosi’s Office Also this: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other New York Democrats pick a fight with Amazon and Jeff Bezos over HQ2 in Queens
An interesting article on the legalities of Mueller re the Whitaker appointment.
Democrats and the rule of law, or make that Democrats and rule of getting around laws and stealing elections.
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Just in case you never heard of it: NEVER FORGET: Whistleblower Investigating Fraud in Broward County Shot Himself in the Head — But No Gun Was Found
I agree, getting out the young vote turned the trick for the Democrats. I will add, it almost lost Texas to BETOmania.
Bookworm Beat 11/12/18 — the post-election counting edition and open thread
I seldom see a Victor Davis Hanson essay that I do not want to share, that includes this one today. I try to restrain myself. I know others don’t have the time I have to read all the links I send. His are always so good, so here’s another VDH link for you. The Present American Revolution.
The potential Mueller prosecution of the Clinton’s nemesis Roger Stone is being headed by Jeannie Rhee, the very same lawyer who represented Hillary Clinton personally in the missing e-mail case and represented the Clinton Foundation in 2015 against a racketeering lawsuit.
I know this woman speaks from her heart, but I find it very discouraging about the whole Honduran situation.