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Volusia County Republican Headquarters shot up. And that’s not all, Death Threats, Assaults, Vandalism: over 40 Acts of Left-Wing Thuggery in October, So Far…

179 Death Threats Against President Trump Are Live On Twitter…Real Time Updated List

The above links lead to this, but they media still doesn’t have a clue. Anger toward media spreads into local communities

Looks like someone had something evil in mind. Mystery as Homeland Security is called in to deal with a traffic stop in South Carolina

There is no shame when it comes to Trump hatred.  The New York Times is vulnerable on this.

This is sarcasm alert time.  Gee, these women and children look desperate. Authorities say migrants carrying “guns and firebombs.”

The Democrats Culture Divide.   This may be the reason #Walkaway has been so successful.  If you are waiting for news of #Walkaway, you won’t find it on MSM.  Nor even much on Fox.  They marched in DC last Saturday, but bombers and a shooting of the Jewish Synagogue took all the news.  As it should have, some conservatives think that is why that weekend was chosen.  I don’t believer the shooter was that smart.
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Panama City  was lucky in having a great organizer after the storm, Rockport was lucky to have the same type as mayor after Harvey.  The Military is the best when it comes to getting things done after a disaster.

At least the writer of this screed against the newly elected Brazilian president admits Trump is not like him.  I don’t know what to believe about Bolsonaro, but if he is truly as this person describes him, it is a bad thing.  We will have to wait and see.  This is from the Daily Beast, and this as nice as they get against Trump.  I will look for another description of Bolsonaro.

This doesn’t say much about his actual politics.  Bad week for Venezuela’s Maduro: Trump and Bolsonaro have a bromance

I must give Bernie Sanders credit for this.  He isn’t blaming Trump for the synagogue shooting.



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