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Cruz has learned to tweet. Plus, he’s showing he’s a real Texan by stopping at Buccee’s and walking out with Shiner Bock.  I guess along with Kavanaugh, he really likes beer.

I’m sure CNN and MSNBC plus the three big networks didn’t show the mob chasing this Trump supporting boy.  Now that’s real hate.  Or this hate letter that threatens children.

Over Half Of America Gets More In Welfare Than It Pays In Taxes  This just confirms what most of us thought all along.

Typhoon Yutu ‘All but Destroyed’ U.S. Island  It’s not hard to imagine this after Harvey and then Florida’s horror.

Albumin concentration with less than 30 mg per day in urine is referred as microalbuminuria and those with albumin concentration greater than 300 mg per day in urine is referred as microalbuminuria and those with albumin concentration greater than 300 mg per day in urine is referred as microalbuminuria and those with albumin concentration greater than 300 mg per day in urine is referred as microalbuminuria and those with albumin. viagra pharmacy Being the very first foremost drug solution, purchase generic levitra was an expensive drug, which was not affordable for many people. It is also committed to meet and exceed 20mg tadalafil prices all standards outlined by leading pharmacy accreditation online. This blood flow makes generic cialis australia the muscles relaxed. Truth will out, in this case about the organizers of that march in Mexico.

Apparently, those tech people in California want to turn Texas Red with Beto.

the Democratic Party is giving Republican tone-deafness and incompetence a very public run for the money — and then some.

I probably won’t be posting for a couple of days. Tomorrow my sons are coming to visit and I won’t be spending as much time at the computer.

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