Senator Cruz is not backing down. This is an interesting take on the Senate, in another article I read this: Senator Harry Reid blocks quick budget deal. Of course you can tell which came from a liberal site and which came from conservative site. Read them both, make up your own mind. Fair and balanced, that me.
The Democrats depressing new reality is that they are as divided as the Republicans. Now that they are going to be the minority party in both houses some of them apparently have decided lockstep with Obama and his minions are not really where they want to be.
A Mexican man arrested while crossing into the United States with marijuana in his bag has filed a lawsuit against the country, alleging that a Border Patrol dog bit him. Our world has just turned silly.
An Open Letter to the Republican Leadership – good advice.
A very good post on why socialism appeals to so many. This essay makes sense. On the same subject Communist Propaganda Writ Small.
New York Police Officers do NOT want deBlasio at their funerals.
St. Patrick Cathedral in New York City has a beautiful new, clean look.