Nine Democrat Senators Allegedly Involved in IRS Targeting Scandal
The Cheney’s on Obama’s mistakes The Collapsing Obama Doctrine If the Wall Street Journal won’t load for you this article from the Washington Post has some of it plus more. Richard Fernandez has more of it and more on the whole situation. He calls him Pretzel man and says: He doesn’t know which side of himself to fight.
SCANDALS this is what big government gets you, the VA scandal goes back at least 7 years and is called a “cultural issue.”
Obama’s Last Card – but we and the rest of the world are the ones hurt by it.
A history of the gov’ts lost emails.
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Study finds IRS suppression of Tea Party swung 2012 election Voter fraud was a big help to the Democrats, too.
Which way is the wind blowing? Hillary knows: The ‘Dream’ dies: Hillary says illegal immigrant children must be sent home
Obama’s New World Order Speech.
Texas Officials to discuss Border funding. that is funding to help control the border.