It really is a beautiful Sunday here. The sky is bright blue, the humidity is much lower than normal, and the temperature was only 70 on our porch this morning and I got to sit in the porch swing and have coffee with my son. That makes it a nice day just by itself.
Now, seriously Texas Tribune, did you just finally decide to look at mental illness and violence? Did the rest of the liberals countenance this? Psychiatric Prisons See More Violence, Violence Behind Bars and a Tie to Mental Illness This report from Rasmussen might tell you the thinking behind the liberals sudden realization that people kill people, sometimes using guns, and crazy (make that mentally ill) people are much more apt to than others.
In late December, Democrats were more likely to look to gun control than mental health treatment to prevent mass shootings. Now, that’s reversed: Democrats put increased mental health treatment first.
And along those lines Sen Joe Manchin is not going to pursue more gun control.
Victor Davis Hanson has two good articles: Syria Postmortem and Obama’s Box Canyon.
I think they want to protect the parks ecosystem from the way it has been for at least 500 years. Selling off the Big Bend Longhorn Herd.
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I saw this article in the Washington Post and had to reply in a comment. The mass shooting America barely noticed, here is my comment:
I don’t know where this person lives. I live in Texas we took it very seriously here. We also take all the deaths we read of from Chicago, Detroit, NYC, and New Orleans and all those others very seriously. But we don’t see it as the guns that did it. We see it as a culture that thinks life is not precious, that being dissed gives you a reason to kill. I am also a member of the local tea party, and I know the tea party sites on Facebook were all over it, grieving for it and lamenting it. TRUST ME, it was noticed.
Somehow I just can’t see our president being able to carry our water for a talk with the Iranians. David Ignatius: Both opportunity and peril over Iran
Germany’s “veggie day” tanked the Green’s party favorable numbers, should the Obama’s take note?
This comes from NPR, not your bastion of right wing news. The U.S. Has More Guns, But Russia Has More Murders