I’ve been trying to work up a long and thoughtful post. There is so much happening of great importance at this time. Until I get that major (for me) post written, enjoy these links.
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/06/21/regulation-requires-oil-refiners-use-millions-gallons-fuel-that-is-nonexistent/ —we live in a surreal world of political fantasy.
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SStrassel: Axelrod’s ObamaCare Dollars —gee, who would have seen this coming?
At least Olbermann acknowledged that not all white people are racist; but three and a half years into the first “post-racial” presidency, one might get that impression. Take the list Olbermann enumerated on air: “Cocky, flippant, punk, and especially, arrogant.” Last week, Congressional Black Caucus executive director Angela Rye added cool to the list: “Even cool, the term cool, could in some ways be deemed racial.”