I didn’t know about this, did you? Obama not interested in saving money, tell me it isn’t true.

Oh, but it is true. This is an old story, I just read it on Bookworm Room blog.  It proves the anti-capitalist stance of our president.

Did Obama really turn down IBM’s offer to help reduce costs?

I know this has been making the rounds for some time because this is the second time my Dad has sent it to me and the first was some time ago.  The link to Fox News, at least, is legitimate.  Does anyone know anything about the underlying story?

IBM offered to help reduce Medicare fraud for free!! The offer is true. Zukerman, US News and World Report, owner, a Democrat, was interviewed on Fox and confirmed it. IBM has confirmed it. You won’t believe it!

Samuel J. Palmisano, the Chairman of the Board and CEO for IBM, said in a recent Wall Street Journal interview that he offered to provide the Obama Administration with a program that would curb healthcare claims fraud and abuse by almost one trillion dollars, but the Obama White House turned the offer down.

Mr. Palmisano is quoted as saying during a taping of

The Wall Street Journal’s Viewpoints program on September 14, 2010:

“We could have improved the quality and reduced the cost of the healthcare system by $900 billion…I said we would do it for free to prove that it works. They turned us down.”

A second meeting between Mr. Palmisano and the Obama Administration took place two weeks later, with no change in the Obama Administration’s stance.


In Mr. Obama’s shunning of a private sector program that would have saved our country almost $1 trillion in healthcare expenditures, presented to him as he declared a ‘crisis in healthcare,’ he proves two things beyond any doubt: that he is anti-Capitalist and anti-private sector in nature – and that he can no longer be trusted to tell the truth in both his political declarations or espoused goals.”

There is much more at Bookworm’s and it is old news but one of those emails I didn’t get when it first started its rounds.

UPDATE: I received clarification on this from Don Quixote at Bookworm Room: it was sent as a comment but deserves to be  here:

To be fair, Zachriel posted a comment in the Bookwormroom to clarify that this claim is not quite all it is cracked up to be:
The ellipses, as well as the gap in the FoxNews video, creates a misrepresentation. The second half of the statement does NOT refer to the same topic as the first half of the statement. The $900 billion savings concerned the health care system as a whole, and that was through centralized, government purchasing, just like IBM negotiates its pricing. The second half of the statement concerns fraud, $200 billion including within the private sector, and from the interview, it’s hard to tell how much savings Palmisano thinks he could find there, nor does he indicate that his solution would be free forever. Certainly, no one can eliminate all fraud, and as it concerns private insurance, businesses would have to buy his software, which they are free to do anyway.

Discussion of the government and healthcare starts at about 8 minutes into the video.http://online.wsj.com/ad/article/viewpoints-palmisano.html




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One Response to I didn’t know about this, did you? Obama not interested in saving money, tell me it isn’t true.

  1. Don Quixote says:

    To be fair, Zachriel posted a comment in the Bookwormroom to clarify that this claim is not quite all it is cracked up to be:
    The ellipses, as well as the gap in the FoxNews video, creates a misrepresentation. The second half of the statement does NOT refer to the same topic as the first half of the statement. The $900 billion savings concerned the health care system as a whole, and that was through centralized, government purchasing, just like IBM negotiates its pricing. The second half of the statement concerns fraud, $200 billion including within the private sector, and from the interview, it’s hard to tell how much savings Palmisano thinks he could find there, nor does he indicate that his solution would be free forever. Certainly, no one can eliminate all fraud, and as it concerns private insurance, businesses would have to buy his software, which they are free to do anyway.

    Discussion of the government and healthcare starts at about 8 minutes into the video.

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