Lies and the lying liars……. MSM

There are sins of commission and sins of omission.  I think we can say the same with lies.  We know many slanted stories are put out by the liberal leaning press. Is it a lie when they suppress the truth?  I think it is, especially when in the same story a lie is told or implied.  Today’s Pajamas Media has a post by Bob Owens  and how the news on the Gunwalker scandal is being told by the media using the White House press releases, in other words, lies.

Pravda Syndrome: MSM Can’t Stop Lying About ‘Gunwalker

No shame: The body count may be in the hundreds, and they still scratch the president’s back.

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“Smoking gun” emails and other recent revelations about “Operation Fast and Furious” — and other gunrunning operations by agencies of President Obama’s executive branch — have backed the mainstream media into a corner: they have been responding with silence or with outright deception.

One need look no further than CNN, where syndicated columnist (and PJMedia contributor) Ruben Navarrette Jr. delivered a whopper of a lie Thursday, claiming that the administration’s attempt to create rifle reporting requirements actually affects machine guns. He claimed:

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has decided to try to clean up Dodge City by requiring gun dealers in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas to report bulk sales of automatic weapons.

He also wrote:

Do you remember the part of the Constitution where it says that people have the right to buy two or more automatic weapons within five days without law enforcement knowing anything about it? Me neither.

Automatic weapons were not among those being trafficked from American gun shops to Mexican cartels. (my emphasis)

Not a single one.

They have been heavily regulated since the National Firearms Act of 1934, and in the 77 years since that became the law of the land, machine guns like those you would find in a a few specialized gun shops have been used in just two illegal homicides.

In yet another unsigned editorial, the New York Times leads with the blatant fabrication that 70 percent of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States. This is the most recent talking point created by Democrats, released just before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform heard testimony from ATF whistleblowers about Operation Fast and Furious in June.

The statistical misrepresentation is a variation of the 90 percent lie that the Obama administration has been using since the president was inaugurated. In actuality, 83 percent of guns used by the cartels come from somewhere other than the United States, and of the 17 percent traced to U.S. origins, roughly 8 percent were traced to U.S. gun shops.

:HL:Plus, we now know that a substantial portion of the weapons that transited gun shops did so as a direct result of federal law enforcement agencies telling dealers to make questionable sales to suspected cartel gun runners.:-HL:

A fact the Times conveniently and purposefully ignores.

There is more here, click and read the rest.

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